
英文名稱 中文名稱
57033911 conjugate fibre 複合纖維
57033912 conjugate linkage 共軛鍵
57033913 conjugate spinning 複合紡絲
57033914 conjugated acid and base 共軛酸鹼
57033915 conjugated polymer 複合聚合物
57033916 conjugated yarn 複合絲
57033917 connecting arm 連接臂,連接棒,連桿
57033918 connecting bar 連接棒條,連接桿
57033919 connecting lever 連接桿,連接棒
57033920 connecting link 連接鏈,連桿
57033921 connecting pin 曲柄臂固定梢,梢釘
57033922 connecting pin twill tappet 斜紋踏綜盤梢子
57033923 connecting pointer 觸桿連桿
57033924 connecting rod 連接桿,連桿
57033925 connecting rod end 連接棒尾端,連桿尾
57033926 connecting wire 連接鐵絲
57033927 consistency 稠度,濃度
57033928 consistency property 相容性質
57033929 consistometer 稠度計;濃度計
57033930 consolidation 凝固,硬化
57033931 constant 常數,定數
57033932 constant boiling mixture 恆沸點混合物
57033933 constant boiling point 恆沸點
57033934 constant displacement pump 均勻送料量泵,計量泵
57033935 constant drying condition 恆乾燥狀態
57033936 constant length system 定長制
57033937 constant load 定載荷
57033938 constant load-rate tensile testing machine 恆速載荷強力試驗機
57033939 constant number 常數
57033940 constant pressure 恆壓
57033941 constant proportion 定比;恆比
57033942 constant rate of elongation machine 恆速伸長檢驗機
57033943 constant rate of extension 定速伸張,定速拉張
57033944 constant rate of extension test 恆速伸張試驗
57033945 constant rate of loading 定速負載,定速荷重
57033946 constant speed 定速,恆速,等速
57033947 constant stress type tester 恆應力型試驗機
57033948 constant temperature and humidity 恆溫恆濕,定溫定濕
57033949 constant temperature bath 恆溫浴
57033950 constant temperature oven 恆溫烘箱
57033951 constant temperature regulator 恆溫調節器
57033952 constant weight 恆重,恆量,絕對乾燥量
57033953 constant weight system 定重制
57033954 constituent 組分,成分
57033955 constituent of fibre 纖維成分
57033956 constitution cord 闊綾厚燈芯絨
57033957 constitutional formula 結構式
57033958 constitutionals 裝飾用厚燈芯絨
57033959 constitutive property 結構性質
57033960 constrained motion 限制運動,強制運動
總共 22761 筆,顯示第 5201 到第 5250 筆