
英文名稱 中文名稱
57034611 current source 電源
57034612 curtain 遮幕,帳幕,窗簾
57034613 curtain fabrics 窗簾織物
57034614 curtain madras 浮緯織花窗簾紗
57034615 curvature 曲率
57034616 curve-measure 曲尺
57034617 curved arm 曲臂,弧形臂
57034618 curved corkscrew twill 曲線螺旋斜紋
57034619 curved lever 曲鉤杆,弧形桿
57034620 curved line 曲線
57034621 curved plate 凹槽板,弧形板
57034622 curved twill 曲線斜紋
57034623 curwa yarn 雙股椰殼纖維紗
57034624 cushion dot 浮點花紋
57034625 cushioning effect 緩衝作用
57034626 custom-made 定製
57034627 custom-order 訂製
57034628 cut 疋長,定制支數
57034629 cut and sew 裁剪車縫
57034630 cut canvas work 起絨十字布刺繡
57034631 cut checks and stripes 破斜方格子組織和條紋組織
57034632 cut double cloth 溝紋雙層呢
57034633 cut end 切絲,斷經
57034634 cut eye 小洞(針織物疵點)
57034635 cut fibre 切斷纖維
57034636 cut goods 開剪織物
57034637 cut hole 斷紗破洞
57034638 cut mark 凹凸點;分段點;打墨印,分匹印
57034639 cut marker 分配打印器
57034640 cut pile 割毛織物,割絨
57034641 cut pile fabric 割絨織物
57034642 cut pile velvet 經天鵝絨織物
57034643 cut planning 裁剪分碼計畫
57034644 cut through 開匹,開剪
57034645 cut velvet 割絨,薄地花絲絨
57034646 cut weft 斷緯
57034647 cut-middles method 纖維量測定法
57034648 cut-offs 截短褲
57034649 cutaway coat 常禮服;圓角上衣
57034650 cuticle 表皮,外皮;角質層
57034651 cutin 角皮質
57034652 cutout slit 裝飾性切縫
57034653 cutter 切刀;裁剪師
57034654 cutter arm 剪鎚臂,割刀柄
57034655 cutter cam 剪鎚凸輪
57034656 cutter cam lever 割緯刀偏心盤桿
57034657 cutter hammer 割緯刀鎚頭,剪鎚
57034658 cutter motion 割緯運動,剪緯運動
57034659 cutting 割毛,剪毛;裁剪
57034660 cutting bed 割毛台
總共 22761 筆,顯示第 5901 到第 5950 筆