
英文名稱 中文名稱
56971543 wrapped Poisson distribution 環繞卜瓦松分布;環繞卜瓦松分配
56971544 X chart X管制圖
56971545 X difference chart X差管制圖
56971546 Yates' correction, 葉慈校正
56971547 Yates's adjustment 葉慈修正
56971548 Yates's correction for continuity 葉慈連續校正
56971549 Yates's method 葉慈法
56971550 Yates-Grundy-Sen estimator 葉慈-葛蘭地-先恩估計量
56971551 Youden design Youden設計
56971552 Youden rectangle Youden矩形
56971553 Youden squares Youden方陣
56971554 Yule distribution Yule分布;Yule分配
56971555 Yule process Yule過程
56971556 Yule's equation Yule方程式
56971557 Yule's hyperbolic distribution Yule雙曲分布;Yule雙曲分配
56971558 Yule-Simpson paradox Yule-Simpson詭論
56971559 Yule-Walker equations Yule-Walker方程式
56971560 Z-chart Z圖
56971561 z-distribution z分布;z分配
56971562 z-score z計分;標準計分
56971563 z-test z檢定
56971564 z-transformation z變換
56971565 Zelen's inequalities Zelen不等式
56971566 zero corrlation 零相關
56971567 zero defects program 無瑕疵計劃
56971568 zero defects(ZD) 無瑕疵
56971569 zero frequency 零次數
56971570 zero line 零基線
56971571 zero point 零點
56971572 zero skewness 零偏態
56971573 zero sum game 零和賽局
56971574 zero sum problem 零和問題
56971575 zeta distribution zeta分布;zeta分配
56971576 zigzag form 鋸齒形;折形
56971577 zigzag sampling 鋸齒形抽樣;曲形抽樣
56971578 Zipf's law Zipf法則
56971579 Zivot-Andrews unit root test Zivot-Andrews單根檢定
56971580 zonal polynomials 區域多項式
56971581 zonal sampling 區域抽樣
56971582 zone chart 區域圖
56971583 zone curve 區域曲線
56971584 zone curve chart 區域曲線圖
56971585 zone of acceptance 允收域
56971586 zone of indifference 無差異域
56971587 zone of preference 偏好域
56971588 zone of preference for acceptance 偏好允收域
56971589 zone of preference for rejection 偏好棄卻域
56971590 zone of rejection 棄卻域
56971591 α-error α誤差
56971592 α-resolvability α可分解性
總共 8352 筆,顯示第 8301 到第 8350 筆