
英文名稱 中文名稱
56964943 counting measure 計數測度
56964944 counting process 計數過程
56964945 covariance 共變異數
56964946 covariance analysis 共變異數分析
56964947 covariance function 共變異數函數
56964948 covariance kernel 共變異數核
56964949 covariance matrix 共變異數矩陣
56964950 covariance stationarity 共變異平穩性;共變異定態性
56964951 covariance stationary process 共變異數平穩過程; 共變異數定態過程
56964952 covariate 共變量
56964953 covariation 共變異
56964954 covarimin 共變異數最小法
56964955 coverage rate 涵蓋率
56964956 Cox and Stuart's tests Cox和Stuart檢定
56964957 Cox model Cox 模型
56964958 Cox proportional hazards regression model Cox 比例風險迴歸模型
56964959 Cox's regression model Cox迴歸模型
56964960 Cox's theorem Cox定理
56964961 Cox-Snell residual Cox-Snell殘差
56964962 craft and related trades workers 技藝有關工作人員
56964963 Craig effect Craig效果
56964964 Craig's theorem Craig定理
56964965 Cram?r's contingency coefficient Cram?r列聯係數
56964966 Cram?r-Chebyshev inequality Cram?r-Chebyshev不等式
56964967 Cram?r-L?vy theorem Cram?r-L?vy定理
56964968 Cram?r-Rao efficiency Cram?r-Rao效率;Cram?r-Rao有效性
56964969 Cram?r-Rao inequality Cram?r-Rao不等式
56964970 Cram?r-Rao lower bound Cram?r-Rao下界限
56964971 Cram?r-Tchebychev inequality Cram?r-Tchebychev 不等式
56964972 Cram?r-von Mises goodness of fit test Cram?r-von Mises適合度檢定
56964973 Cram?r-von Mises test Cram?r-von Mises檢定
56964974 Cram?r-von Mises two sample test Cram?r-von Mises二樣本檢定
56964975 credibility 可信度
56964976 credible intervals 可靠區間
56964977 crime offense 刑案發生數
56964978 crime rate 犯罪率
56964979 crime statistics 犯罪統計
56964980 criminal case 刑事案件
56964981 criminal statistics 刑案統計
56964982 criteria for estimate 估計值準則
56964983 criteria for estimation 估計準則
56964984 criteria for estimator 估計量準則
56964985 criteria for sampling 抽樣準則
56964986 criteria for stratification 分層準則
56964987 criterion 準則
56964988 critical defect 嚴重缺點
56964989 critical defective 嚴重不良品
56964990 critical failure 嚴重故障
56964991 critical function 臨界函數
56964992 critical level 臨界水準
總共 8352 筆,顯示第 1701 到第 1750 筆