
英文名稱 中文名稱
56866839 Lerner index 婁納指數
56866840 Lerner index of monopoly power 獨佔力的蘭諾指標
56866841 Lerner symmetry theorem 婁納對稱性定理
56866842 Less Developed Countries (LDCs) 低度開發國家
56866843 Less-skilled workers 低技術工
56866844 Lessor 出租人
56866845 Letter of Credit (L/C) 信用狀
56866846 Level contour 等高曲線
56866847 Level of significance 顯著水準
56866848 Levenberg-Marquardt methods 雷文柏格-馬括特方法
56866849 Leverage 槓桿作用;制衡作用
56866850 Leverage operation 槓桿操作
56866851 Leverage point 高度槓桿點
56866852 Leveraged buyout (LBO) 融資購併
56866853 Leveraged lease 融資租賃
56866854 Leveraged note 槓桿式證券
56866855 Leviathan hypothesis 巨靈假說(財政赤字)
56866856 Lexicographic ordering 辭典編纂排序
56866857 Liability 負債
56866858 Liability insurance 責任保險
56866859 Liability management 負債管理
56866860 Liability rule 責任法則
56866861 Liberalism 自由主義
56866862 Liberalization 自由化
56866863 License 執照
56866864 License system 許可證制
56866865 Licensing 授權
56866866 Licensing of export 輸出許可
56866867 Licensing of import 輸入許可
56866868 Life annuity 終生年金
56866869 Life cycle 生命循環;生命週期
56866870 Life expectancy 國民預期平均壽命
56866871 Life expectancy at birth 出生時預期壽命
56866872 Life table 生命表
56866873 Life-time budget constraint 終身預算限制式
56866874 Lifetime earnings 終身所得
56866875 Like grade and quality requirement 相似品質與等級要件
56866876 Likelihood function 概似函數
56866877 Likelihood ratio 概似比
56866878 Likelihood ratio (LR) test 概似比檢定
56866879 Likelihood ratio principle 概似比原則
56866880 Limit price theory 極限價格理論
56866881 Limit pricing 極限定價
56866882 Limited competition 有限度競爭
56866883 Limited dependent variable 受限應變數
56866884 Limited dependent variables model 受限應變數模型
56866885 Limited information maximum likelihood (LIML) estimator 受限訊息最大概似估計量
56866886 Limited legal tender 有限法償貨幣
56866887 Limited liability 有限責任
56866888 Limited resources 時間、財力的限制
總共 8892 筆,顯示第 4401 到第 4450 筆