
英文名稱 中文名稱
57017799 light year 光年
57017800 light-activated silicon-controlled rectifier (Lascr) 光起動矽控整流器
57017801 light-emitting bar 發光柱
57017802 light-emitting diode (LED) 發光二極體
57017803 light-off detector 點火偵測器
57017804 light; approach 進場燈
57017805 light; beacon 燈標
57017806 light; blink 閃光燈
57017807 light; boundary 場界燈
57017808 light; collision warning 碰撞警告燈
57017809 light; contact 落地燈
57017810 light; course 航線燈
57017811 light; fixed 固定燈
57017812 light; flashing 閃光燈
57017813 light; fluorescent 螢光燈;紫光燈
57017814 light; identification 識別燈;標誌燈
57017815 light; instrument 儀表燈
57017816 light; landing 落地燈
57017817 light; landing-direction 落地方向燈
57017818 light; navigation 導航燈
57017819 light; obstruction 障礙標誌燈
57017820 light; position 位置燈
57017821 light; range 跑道距離燈
57017822 lighted wind cone 燈光風向指示燈
57017823 lighter-than-air-aircraft 輕於空氣航空器
57017824 lighting control panel 燈光管制板
57017825 lighting facilities 燈光設施
57017826 lightning 燈光
57017827 lightning arrester 避雷器
57017828 lightning channel 閃電路
57017829 lightning discharge 閃電放電
57017830 lightning echo 閃電回波
57017831 lightning flash 閃光
57017832 lightning hole 減重孔
57017833 lightning protection 雷電防護
57017834 lightning rib 輕肋
57017835 lightning rod 避雷針
57017836 lightning stroke 閃擊;雷擊
57017837 lightweight acoustic processing and display system (Lapads) 輕型聲波處理與顯示系統
57017838 lightweight afterburning turbojet (LWABTJ) 輕型後燃渦噴發動機
57017839 lightweight airborne thermal imaging system (Latis) 輕型空中紅外線照相系統
57017840 lightweight laser designator (LWF) 輕型雷射標示器
57017841 lightweight multiple launcher (LML) 輕型多管發射架
57017842 limacon 四次曲線
57017843 limb 外緣
57017844 limit maneuver load factor (LMLF) 極限操縱負載因數
57017845 limit of atmosphere 大氣極限
57017846 limit of ductility 延性限度
57017847 limit of elasticity 彈性限度
57017848 limit of fire 射界
總共 23751 筆,顯示第 12851 到第 12900 筆