
英文名稱 中文名稱
57022699 remotely monitored battlefield-area surveillance system (Rembass) 遙控戰場監視系統
57022700 remotely piloted helicopter (RPH) 遙控直升機
57022701 remotely piloted mini-blimp (RPMB) 遙控小型飛機
57022702 remotely piloted research vehicle (RPRV) 遙控研究載具
57022703 remotely piloted vehicle (RPV) 遙控載具
57022704 removal and replacement 拆卸及裝復
57022705 renal colic 腎絞痛
57022706 renal glycosuria 腎性尿糖
57022707 rendezvous 會合
57022708 rendezvous point 會合點
57022709 repairability 可修性
57022710 repetitive flight plan (RPL) 長期飛航計劃
57022711 reporting point (REP) 報告點
57022712 representative fraction 代表分數
57022713 representative observation 示例觀察
57022714 representative scale 圖示比例尺
57022715 request 要求
57022716 request homing 要求歸航
57022717 request radar blip identification message (RAR) 要求雷達回波識別信號
57022718 request supplementary flight plan message (RQS) 要求補充飛航計劃書電報
57022719 requirements (RQMNTS) 需求;要求
57022720 rescue 救難;搜救
57022721 rescue boat (RB) 救護船
57022722 rescue coordination centre (RCC) 搜救協調中心
57022723 rescue operations 救援工作
57022724 rescue sub-center (RSC) 搜救附屬中心
57022725 rescue vessel (RV) 救護船
57022726 research and development (R & D) 研發;研究與發展
57022727 reseau 氣象台群;觀測網
57022728 reserve buoyancy 預備浮力;剩餘浮力
57022729 reserve fuel 保險油量
57022730 reserve officers' training corps (ROTC) 預備軍官訓練團
57022731 reserve power 剩餘動力
57022732 reserved controls 預備控制器
57022733 reservoir 貯存箱;油箱
57022734 reset 復位;重定位
57022735 reset switch 復位開關
57022736 residual deviation 剩餘磁差
57022737 residual gas 剩餘氣
57022738 residual magnetism 剩餘磁性
57022739 residual strength 殘餘強度
57022740 residual stress 殘餘應力
57022741 residual volume of lung 肺餘容量
57022742 resilience 回彈;恢復
57022743 resin 樹脂
57022744 resin content 樹脂含量
57022745 resin rich 多樹脂
57022746 resin selection 樹脂選擇
57022747 resin starved region 樹脂貧區
57022748 resin transfer molding (RTM) 樹脂轉注成形
總共 23751 筆,顯示第 17751 到第 17800 筆