
英文名稱 中文名稱
57009290 climb indicator 爬升率指示器
57009291 climb loop 爬升觔斗
57009292 climb out 開始爬升
57009293 climb performance 爬升性能
57009294 climb rate 爬升率
57009295 climb speed 爬升速率
57009296 climb to and maintain (CTAM) 爬升至並保持
57009297 climb; full 全力爬升
57009298 climb; partial 部份爬升
57009299 climb; sawtooth 鋸齒形爬升
57009300 climb; spiral 盤旋爬升
57009301 climbing fuel 上升所須燃油
57009302 climbing power 爬升動力
57009303 climbing roll 爬升滾轉
57009304 climbing turn 爬升轉彎
57009305 clinometer 傾斜儀
57009306 clipped wing 截梢機翼
57009307 clipper 限幅器;截波器
57009308 clipping 限幅;截波
57009309 clock code position 鐘點位置
57009310 clock position 鐘點位置
57009311 clock star 校鐘星
57009312 clockwork-anemometer 計時風速表
57009313 close air support (CAS) 密接空中支援
57009314 close control 密接管制
57009315 close controlled interception 引導攔截;密接管制攔截
57009316 close fit 緊配
57009317 close formation 密集隊形
57009318 close out 結束;封閉
57009319 close support 密接支援
57009320 close tolerance developed template 高精度展形樣板
57009321 close-in weapon system (CIWS) 空對空近戰武器系統
57009322 closed area 關閉區
57009323 closed circuit 通路;環航路線
57009324 closed circulation 閉合環流
57009325 closed cycle 閉合循環
57009326 closed environmental control system 閉式環控系統
57009327 closed escort 隨伴掩護
57009328 closed feed-water heater 密閉給水加熱器
57009329 closed flight plan 結束飛行計劃
57009330 closed formation flying (FF) 密集隊形飛行
57009331 closed high 閉合高氣壓
57009332 closed isobar 閉合等壓線
57009333 closed jet nonreturn flow tunnel 測試段閉口式不回流風洞
57009334 closed jet return flow tunnel 測試段閉口式回流風洞
57009335 closed jet tunnel 測試段閉口式風洞
57009336 closed loop 閉合迴路
57009337 closed loop control system 閉合迴路控制系統
57009338 closed low 閉合低氣壓
57009339 closed pattern 小航線
總共 23751 筆,顯示第 4351 到第 4400 筆