
英文名稱 中文名稱
55773076 fennel 小茴香
55773077 fermentation 發酵
55773078 fermented medicines 麴劑
55773079 fermenter 發酵槽
55773080 fetal toxicity 胚胎毒性
55773081 fibrinolysis 血纖蛋白分解
55773082 fibrinolytics 血纖蛋白分解藥
55773083 filling 充填法
55773084 filling machine 充填機
55773085 filling processes 充填作業
55773086 film coated tablet 膜衣錠
55773087 film coating 膜衣
55773088 filter 濾器
55773089 filter aid 助濾劑
55773090 filtrate 濾液
55773091 filtration 過濾
55773092 filtration sterilization 過濾滅菌
55773093 fineness of the particle 顆粒細度
55773094 fingerprint [region] 指紋[區]
55773095 finished product 成品
55773096 first order kinetics 一級動力學
55773097 first pass effect 首渡效應
55773098 first-dose response 首劑效應
55773099 flavonoid glycoside 類黃酮?
55773100 flavonoids 類黃酮
55773101 flavoring agent 矯味劑
55773102 flexible collodion 彈性膠棉
55773103 flocculation 絮凝
55773104 fluid extract of polygala 遠志流浸膏
55773105 fluid extracts 流浸膏
55773106 fluidextracts 流浸膏劑
55773107 fluidity 流動性
55773108 fluidized bed coating 流動床著衣
55773109 fluidized bed granulation 流動床造粒
55773110 fluorescence polarization immunoassay {=FPIA} 螢光偏極免疫分析
55773111 fluorescent agents 螢光劑
55773112 fluorimetry 螢光光度測定法
55773113 foam test 泡沫試驗
55773114 foaming agents 發泡劑
55773115 foams 泡沫劑
55773116 folic acid 葉酸
55773117 folk medicines 民間藥
55773118 fomentations 熱敷劑
55773119 food additives 食品添加物
55773120 formula 處方
55773121 formulary 處方集
55773122 fractured surface 折斷面
55773123 free radical 自由基
55773124 free sale certificate 許可製售證明
55773125 friability 脆度
總共 1141 筆,顯示第 901 到第 950 筆