
英文名稱 中文名稱
57270488 measuring section 量測區
57270489 measuring sequence 量測順序
57270490 measuring set 量測套件
57270491 measuring setup 量測裝置
57270492 measuring slide wire 量測滑線
57270493 measuring span 量程
57270494 measuring station 量測站
57270495 measuring system 量測系統
57270496 measuring tank 量測槽
57270497 measuring tape 量測捲尺
57270498 measuring tool 量測工具
57270499 measuring transducer 量測換能器
57270500 measuring transformer 量測變壓器
57270501 measuring unit 量測單位
57270502 measuring-equipment release 量測設備釋出
57270503 mechanical action 機械作用
57270504 mechanical adjustment 機械調整
57270505 mechanical admittance 機械導納
57270506 mechanical advantage 機械利益
57270507 mechanical analog calculator 機械模擬計算器
57270508 mechanical asymmetrical beam 機械非對稱樑
57270509 mechanical back-to-back tests 機械背接式試驗
57270510 mechanical clock 機械鐘
57270511 mechanical comparator 機械比較儀
57270512 mechanical compensation 機械補償
57270513 mechanical compliance 力順
57270514 mechanical counter 機械計數器
57270515 mechanical displacement 機械位移
57270516 mechanical dividing heads 機械分度頭
57270517 mechanical dynamometer 機械動力計
57270518 mechanical equilibrium 機械平衡
57270519 mechanical equivalent of heat 熱功當量
57270520 mechanical equivalent of light 光功當量
57270521 mechanical excitability 力納
57270522 mechanical factor of merit 優化機械因子;評等機械因子
57270523 mechanical filter 機械過濾器
57270524 mechanical friction 機械摩擦
57270525 mechanical geometry 機械幾何
57270526 mechanical hysteresis 機械遲滯
57270527 mechanical impedance 力阻抗
57270528 mechanical indication 機械式指示
57270529 mechanical instrument 機械式儀器
57270530 mechanical integrator 機械式積分器
57270531 mechanical jamming 機械卡住
57270532 mechanical linkage 機械聯動裝置
57270533 mechanical loss 機械損失
57270534 mechanical mass 力學質量
57270535 mechanical mounting 機械裝配
57270536 mechanical null 機械零位
57270537 mechanical ohm 力歐姆
總共 20061 筆,顯示第 10751 到第 10800 筆