
英文名稱 中文名稱
57262988 consecutive removal of error sources 依次消除誤差源
57262989 conservation 保存;守恆
57262990 conservation of a measurement standard 量測標準維持
57262991 conservation of energy 能量守恆
57262992 conservation of mass 質量守恆
57262993 conservation of momentum 動量守恆
57262994 conservation of standard 標準器的保存
57262995 conservative estimate 保守估計;審慎估計
57262996 conservative value 保守值
57262997 consistency 一致性
57262998 consistency meter 稠度計
57262999 consistency of performance 性能一致性
57263000 consistency of reading 讀值一致性
57263001 consistent estimates 相容估計
57263002 consistent system of standards 一致的標準系統
57263003 consistometer 稠度計
57263004 console 控制台
57263005 consolute temperature 共溶溫度
57263006 constancy 恆定性;穩定性
57263007 constancy of measuring instrument 量測儀器穩定性
57263008 constant 常數;恆定
57263009 constant bandwidth filter 定帶寬濾波器
57263010 constant coefficient 常係數
57263011 constant current source 定流電源
57263012 constant deviation reflector 恆偏反射鏡
57263013 constant deviation spectroscope 恆偏分光鏡
57263014 constant deviation system 固定離差系統
57263015 constant error 恆定誤差
57263016 constant impedance attenuator 恆阻抗衰減器
57263017 constant interval scale 等區間標度
57263018 constant ionization 恆電(游)離
57263019 constant load 恆定負載
57263020 constant load asymmetrical beam 恆負載天平
57263021 constant of measuring instrument 量測儀器常數
57263022 constant of precession 歲差常數;進動常數
57263023 constant of proportionality 比例常數
57263024 constant pressure bomb 定壓量熱計
57263025 constant pressure calorimeter 恆壓量熱計;定壓量熱計
57263026 constant pressure flame calorimetry 定壓火焰熱量法
57263027 constant pressure gas thermometer 定壓氣體溫度計
57263028 constant proportion 定比
57263029 constant rate injection method 等速注入法
57263030 constant temperature 定溫;恆溫
57263031 constant voltage source 定電壓源
57263032 constant volume bomb 定容熱量計
57263033 constant volume gas thermometer 定容氣體溫度計
57263034 constant-deviation prism 恆偏向棱鏡
57263035 constant-interval scale 固定間距的標尺
57263036 constant-load arrestment 固定負載制動
57263037 constant-load arrestment mode 負載制動方式
總共 20061 筆,顯示第 3251 到第 3300 筆