
英文名稱 中文名稱
56934529 thrust center 推力中心
56934530 thrust characteristic 推力特性
56934531 thrust coefficient 推力係數
56934532 thrust collar 推力?軸?
56934533 thrust collar 推力?軸?環
56934534 thrust constant 推力常數
56934535 thrust constant 推力常數
56934536 thrust deduction coefficient 推力減少率
56934537 thrust deduction coefficient 推力減少率
56934538 thrust deduction factor 推減因數,推減因子
56934539 thrust deduction factor 推?力?減?少?因數
56934540 thrust deduction fraction 推?力?減?少?因數
56934541 thrust horsepower (THP) 推力馬力
56934542 thrust horsepower (THP) 推力馬力
56934543 thrust increment 推力增量
56934544 thrust load coefficient 推力負荷係數
56934545 thrust meter 推力計
56934546 thrust of duct 導管推力
56934547 thrust of impeller 葉輪推力
56934548 thrust pad 推力墊,止推墊
56934549 thrust shaft 推力軸
56934550 thrust shaft 推力軸
56934551 thrust shaft collar 止推軸環
56934552 thrust shoe 推力履片
56934553 thrust washer 止推墊圈
56934554 thrust-deduction fraction 推減係數
56934555 thruster 推力裝置
56934556 thruster tunnel 推力器管道
56934557 thumb nut 指捻螺帽
56934558 thumb nut 蝶形螺帽,元寶螺帽
56934559 thumb screw 蝶形螺釘
56934560 thumper source 電磁聲源
56934561 thunder arrester 避雷針
56934562 thwart 槳手座,艇座,?艇中?坐板
56934563 thwart stanchion 橫座板支柱
56934564 thwartman 槳手
56934565 thwartship ?船的〕橫向
56934566 thwartship bracing plank 坐板支材(小艇)
56934567 thwartships bulkhead 橫?向?艙壁
56934568 thyratron 閘流管
56934569 thyristor-Leonard system 閘流體一連納德系統
56934570 ticker 斷流器,蜂鳴器
56934571 tidal boat 滿潮開航船
56934572 tidal valve ?塢閘?潮閥
56934573 tide table 潮汐表
56934574 tideborne 氣墊船排水狀態
56934575 tie angle bar 帶角材
56934576 tie angle bar 牽拉角型材
56934577 tie bar 繫桿,牽桿
56934578 tie bar 繫桿,牽桿,拉桿
總共 31674 筆,顯示第 28251 到第 28300 筆