
英文名稱 中文名稱
56935179 trawl gallow 網板架
56935180 trawl net 拖網(漁網)
56935181 trawl ramp 拖網滑道
56935182 trawl ramp 拖網斜道
56935183 trawl roller 起?拖?網滾筒
56935184 trawl roller 拖網滾筒
56935185 trawl warp 漁網拖索
56935186 trawl warp 漁索拖索
56935187 trawl winch 拖網絞車
56935188 trawl winch 拖網絞車
56935189 trawldeck 上網甲板
56935190 trawler 拖網漁船
56935191 trawler boat 拖網漁船
56935192 trawline 曳?漁?網索
56935193 trawling 拖網漁法,拖網作業
56935194 trawling cable 拖網索
56935195 trawlink 網位儀
56935196 tread 1龍骨長2梯踏板3輪距
56935197 treasure room 貴重物品室
56935198 treble block 三輪滑車
56935199 treble block 三輪滑車
56935200 treble ported slide valve 三孔滑閥
56935201 treble riveting 三行鉚
56935202 treble riveting 三行鉚接
56935203 treble-ported slide valve 三通滑閥
56935204 treenail 大木釘
56935205 trembler coil 1電鈴線圈2電振板線圈
56935206 trembling bell 電鈴
56935207 trench 1溝2海溝3貨艙間通風道
56935208 trench curve 曲線板
56935209 trend display 趨向顯示
56935210 trepanning test 鑽孔試驗
56935211 trestle 1檣頭縱材2架柱,架台,叉架,支架
56935212 trestle tree 檣頭支架
56935213 trestle type column 架柱
56935214 trestle type column 架柱
56935215 trial 試?,試航
56935216 trial and error method 試誤法
56935217 trial and error method 試誤法
56935218 trial at anchor 繫泊試?
56935219 trial condition 試航船況
56935220 trial condition 試?船況,試航船況
56935221 trial speed 試航船速
56935222 trial speed 試航船速
56935223 triangular plate 三角眼板
56935224 triatic stay 1桅間水平牽索2信號索
56935225 triatic stay 1桅間水平牽索2信號索
56935226 triaxial compression test 三軸?向?壓縮試驗
56935227 trice 收帆索,吊索
56935228 tricing line 吊索
總共 31674 筆,顯示第 28901 到第 28950 筆