
英文名稱 中文名稱
56936229 vanadium steel 釩鋼
56936230 vane 1葉片,輪葉,槳葉2翼3?羅經?瞄準器4風向標
56936231 vane diffuser 葉片擴散器
56936232 vane pump 輪葉泵
56936233 vane retaining ring 輪葉緣環
56936234 vane test 輪葉試驗
56936235 vane wheel 半浸葉輪
56936236 vane wheel 葉輪
56936237 vane wheel boat 葉輪船
56936238 vane-board 葉板,翼標
56936239 vane-screw propeller 半浸葉輪
56936240 vang 斜桁支索,牽索,控索
56936241 vang block 斜桁支索滑車
56936242 vang reel 拉索捲盤
56936243 vanishing point of stability 穩度消失角
56936244 vapor 揮發氣,蒸汽
56936245 vapor and water mixing heater 混合式水汽加熱器
56936246 vapor compressing distillation plant 蒸汽壓縮蒸餾裝置
56936247 vapor lock 汽鎖,汽封
56936248 vapor pocket 汽袋,汽穴
56936249 vapor pressure 水汽壓(空化)
56936250 vapor tight 汽密,氣密
56936251 vapor-proof 防氣
56936252 vaporization 氣化,蒸發,揮發
56936253 vaporization rate 蒸發率,汽化率
56936254 vaporized corrosion inhibitor 汽化腐蝕抑制劑
56936255 vaporizer 汽化器,氣化器,蒸發器
56936256 vaporizing chamber 氣化室,蒸發室
56936257 vaporizing combustion chamber 氣化式燃燒室
56936258 vaporizing oil range 汽化油灶
56936259 vapour cavity 蒸汽空泡,汽化空泡
56936260 vapourizing chamber 汽化室
56936261 var hour meter 無功時記,乏時計
56936262 varactor 1變容器2變容體
56936263 variable area nozzle 可變截面噴管
56936264 variable ballast system 可變壓載裝置
56936265 variable ballast tank 可變壓載艙
56936266 variable condenser 可變電容器
56936267 variable condenser 可變電容器
56936268 variable expansion valve 可變膨脹閥
56936269 variable injection timing(VIT) 變更噴油時間裝置,可變噴射定時
56936270 variable load 變動負荷,變動負載
56936271 variable pitch 可變節距,可變螺距
56936272 variable pitch propeller ?徑向?變距螺槳
56936273 variable pitch screw 變螺距螺槳
56936274 variable ratio regulator 可變比率調整器
56936275 variable resistor 變阻器,?可?變?電?阻器
56936276 variable speed 可變速?率?
56936277 variable speed governor 可變調速器
56936278 variable speed pump 可變速泵
總共 31674 筆,顯示第 29951 到第 30000 筆