
英文名稱 中文名稱
55798794 acne vermoulante 蟲蝕性痤瘡
55798795 acneform 痤瘡狀的
55798796 acnegen 致痤瘡物
55798797 acnegenic 引起痤瘡的
55798798 acneiform 痤瘡樣
55798799 acneiform eruption 痤瘡樣疹
55798800 acneiform pustule 痤瘡樣膿?
55798801 acneiform-inducing agent 痤瘡樣疹誘發因子
55798802 acneiformis 痤瘡狀的
55798803 acnitis 痤瘡炎
55798804 Acosta's disease 高山症
55798805 acoustic 聽覺的
55798806 acoustic agraphia 聽寫不能
55798807 acoustic aphasia 聽性失語症
55798808 acoustic duct 外耳道
55798809 acoustic hair cell 聽毛細胞
55798810 acoustic nerve tumor 聽神經瘤
55798811 acoustic neurofibromatosis 聽神經纖維瘤病
55798812 acoustic schwannoma 聽神經鞘瘤
55798813 acoustical 聲學的
55798814 acquire immunity 後天免疫性
55798815 acquired 後天的
55798816 acquired anaphylaxis 後天性過敏
55798817 acquired character 後天特性
55798818 acquired circumscribed hypertrichosis 後天性限界性多毛症
55798819 acquired cutis laxa 後天性皮膚鬆垂症
55798820 acquired digital fibrokeratoma 後天性指纖維角化瘤
55798821 acquired disease 後天性疾病
55798822 acquired dysmenorrhea 繼發性痛經
55798823 acquired epidermolysis 後天性水?性表皮鬆解症
55798824 acquired hemolytic icterus disease 後天性溶血性黃疸
55798825 acquired hernia 後天疝
55798826 acquired hypomelanosis 後天性黑色素減少症
55798827 acquired immunity 後天性免疫
55798828 Acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome 後天免疫不全症候群
55798829 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 愛滋病;後天性免疫不全症候群
55798830 acquired keratoderma 後天的角皮病
55798831 acquired linear dermal melanocytosis 後天性線狀真皮黑色素細胞增生症
55798832 acquired lymphangioma 後天性淋巴管瘤
55798833 acquired lymphedema 後天性淋巴水腫
55798834 acquired megacolon 後天性巨結腸
55798835 acquired nevomelanocytic nevus 後天性色素細胞性母斑
55798836 acquired ochronosis 後天性赭色病
55798837 acquired periungual fibrokeratoma 後天性甲周圍纖維角化瘤
55798838 acquired phlebectasia of the glans penis 龜頭後天性靜脈擴張
55798839 acquired porphyria 後天性?咯紫質沉著病
55798840 acquired reactive perforating dermatosis 後天性反應性穿通性皮膚病
55798841 acquired syphilis 後天性梅毒
55798842 acquired tolerance 後天性耐受性
55798843 acquired universal hypertrichosis 後天性全身多毛症
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 451 到第 500 筆