
英文名稱 中文名稱
55805594 cyanosis lienis 脾發紺
55805595 cyanosis retinae 視網膜發紺
55805596 cyanotic 發紺的
55805597 cyanotic atrophy 發紺性萎縮
55805598 cyanotic heart disease 發紺性心臟病
55805599 cyclamates 環已烷胺磺酸鹽
55805600 cyclase 環化?
55805601 cycle 環;週期
55805602 cyclic 週期的
55805603 cyclic disease 週期性病
55805604 cyclic guanosine mono phosphate 環鳥?單磷酸
55805605 cyclic hemorrhage 週期性出血
55805606 cyclic neutropenia 週期性嗜中性白血球減少
55805607 cyclic salicylanilides 環水楊醯苯胺
55805608 cyclic vomiting 週期性嘔吐
55805609 cyclo-oxygenase 環氧化?
55805610 cyclohexane 環已烷
55805611 cyclohexane alkyl resin 環已烷烴基樹脂
55805612 cyclophosphamide 圓葉目
55805613 Cyclophyllidea 圓葉絛蟲目
55805614 Cyclorrhapha 環列亞目
55805615 cycloserine 環絲氨酸
55805616 cyclosporin 環孢靈
55805617 cyclotron 原子核撞擊機
55805618 cylinder 圓柱;量筒
55805619 cylindric 圓柱的
55805620 cylindric cell 圓柱狀細胞
55805621 cylindrical 圓柱狀的;柱狀的
55805622 cylindrical carcinoma 圓柱狀細胞癌
55805623 cylindrical cell 圓柱狀細胞
55805624 cylindrical lens 柱面透鏡
55805625 cylindrical-cell papilloma 圓柱狀細胞乳頭狀瘤
55805626 cylindrocellular 柱狀細胞的
55805627 cylindrocellulare carcinoma 圓柱狀細胞癌
55805628 cylindroid 圓柱樣的
55805629 cylindroid aneurysm 圓柱狀動脈瘤
55805630 cylindroma 圓柱瘤
55805631 cylindromatous spiradenoma 圓柱瘤性汗腺瘤
55805632 cynobex 犬樣咳
55805633 cynobex hebetica 青春期咳
55805634 Cyon's nerve Cyon氏神經
55805635 cyproheptadine 塞浦西他啶
55805636 cyst 囊腫
55805637 cyst of broad ligament 闊韌帶囊腫
55805638 cyst of mucous gland 黏液腺囊腫
55805639 cyst of palatine papilla ?乳頭囊腫
55805640 cyst of rete ovarii 卵巢網囊腫
55805641 cyst of salivary gland 唾液腺囊腫
55805642 cyst worm 囊蟲
55805643 cystadenoma 囊腺瘤
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 7251 到第 7300 筆