
英文名稱 中文名稱
55808394 exorphens 外啡
55808395 exostoses 外生骨贅
55808396 exotoxins 外毒素
55808397 expansion 膨脹
55808398 expectation of life 預期壽命
55808399 experiment 實驗
55808400 experimental disease 實驗病
55808401 experimental hypertension 實驗性高血壓
55808402 experimental medicine 實驗醫學
55808403 expiratory 呼氣的
55808404 expiratory dyspnea 呼氣困難
55808405 expiratory muscle 呼氣肌
55808406 expiratory reserve volume 呼氣儲備容量
55808407 exploring needle 探查針
55808408 explratory murmur 呼氣性雜音
55808409 exposure 曝露;感光
55808410 exposure cell 照射室
55808411 express 壓出
55808412 express consent 口頭同意
55808413 express contract 口頭契約
55808414 expulsion of placenta 胎盤排出
55808415 expulsive 排出的
55808416 expulsive pain 娩出期陣痛
55808417 exsanguination transfusion 換血
55808418 extension splint 伸展夾板
55808419 extensive blue patch-like pigmentation 廣泛性藍班樣色素沉著
55808420 extensive congenital erosions and vesicles healing with reticulate scarring 癒成網狀結疤之廣泛性先天性糜爛及水?
55808421 extensive pityriasis alba 廣泛性白色糠疹
55808422 extensor muscle of finger 伸指肌
55808423 extensor muscle of little finger 伸小指肌
55808424 exteranal carotid plexus 外頸動脈神經叢
55808425 exterior gestation 孕外發育
55808426 external 外的
55808427 external absorption 外吸收
55808428 external acoustic meatus 外耳道
55808429 external aneurysm 體腔外動脈瘤
55808430 external annular ligament of ankle 踝外側環狀韌帶
55808431 external annular ligament of malleolus 踝外側環狀韌帶
55808432 external arcuate ligament of diaphragm 橫膈膜外側弓狀韌帶
55808433 external articular femoral condyle 股骨外髁
55808434 external auditory canal 外聽道
55808435 external blind fistula 外盲?管
55808436 external carotid artery 頸外動脈
55808437 external carotid nerve 頸外動脈神經
55808438 external carotid plexus 頸外動脈叢
55808439 external ciliated cell 外纖毛細胞
55808440 external condyle 外髁
55808441 external coracoclavicular ligament 外喙鎖韌帶
55808442 external cuneiform bone 外側楔骨
55808443 external ear 外耳
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 10051 到第 10100 筆