
英文名稱 中文名稱
55808794 feeble respiration 微弱呼吸
55808795 feet
55808796 feet painful syndrome 足痛症候群
55808797 feet,(see foot ) 腳[複數]
55808798 fel 膽汁
55808799 fell-mongers' disease 皮貨商病
55808800 Felty's syndrome(rheumatoid arthritis,splenomega-ly,leukopenia) Felty氏症候群(類風濕性關節炎─脾腫大─白血球減少)
55808801 female 女性的
55808802 female genitalia 女性生殖器
55808803 female sex hormonal factors 女性性激素因素
55808804 female sex hormone 雌性激素;雌性賀爾蒙
55808805 feminization 女性化
55808806 feminzing tumor 女性化瘤
55808807 femoral 股的
55808808 femoral artery 股動脈
55808809 femoral artery pulse 股動脈脈摶
55808810 femoral articulation 髖關節
55808811 femoral bone 骰骨
55808812 femoral fracture 股骨折
55808813 femoral muscle 股肌
55808814 femoral neck avascular necrosis 股骨頸缺血性壞死
55808815 femoral nerve 股神經
55808816 femoral neuropathy 股骨神經病變
55808817 femoral plexus 股叢
55808818 femoral vein 股靜脈
55808819 femoralis 股四頭肌
55808820 femoropopliteal vein 股膕靜脈
55808821 femur 股骨
55808822 fenestrated bandage 開孔繃帶
55808823 fenestrated leading edge of blade endosseous implant 刃形骨內植體之窗式導緣
55808824 fennel sweet 茴香
55808825 Fenwick-Hunner ulcer Fenwick-Hunner氏潰瘍
55808826 Fereol-Graux type of ocular palsy Fereol-Graux二氏眼球麻痺
55808827 Fergusson and Critchley's ataxia Fergusson-Critchley二氏運動失調
55808828 ferment 發酵;醱酵
55808829 ferment cell 酵素細胞
55808830 ferment thrombus 醱酵性血栓
55808831 fermentative dyspepsia 醱酵性消化不良
55808832 Ferrata's cell Ferrata氏細胞
55808833 Ferrein's ligament Ferrein氏韌帶
55808834 ferric chloride test 氯化鐵試驗
55808835 ferrous gluconate 葡萄糖酸亞鐵
55808836 festooning 懸掛花彩
55808837 fetal 胎兒的
55808838 fetal adenoma 胎性腺瘤
55808839 fetal asphxia 胎兒性缺氧
55808840 fetal circulation 胎體循環
55808841 fetal endocarditis 胎兒心內膜炎
55808842 fetal hydantoin syndrome(fetal dilantin syndrome) 胎兒酒精症候群
55808843 fetal hypoxemia 胎兒低血氧症
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 10451 到第 10500 筆