
英文名稱 中文名稱
55809594 Garre's osteitis Garre氏骨炎
55809595 Garre's osteomyelitis Garre氏骨髓炎
55809596 Garrod's pads 加羅德氏指墊
55809597 Gartner's duct Gartner氏管
55809598 Gartnerian cyst Gartner氏囊腫
55809599 Garton diet Garton氏飲食
55809600 gas and oxygen anesthesia 笑氣和氧麻醉
55809601 gas cyst 氣體囊腫
55809602 gas inflation of abdomen 腹腔積氣
55809603 gas peritonitis 蓄氣性腹膜炎
55809604 gas sepsis 氣疽敗血症
55809605 gas-ether anesthesia 氣醚麻醉
55809606 gaseous acidosis 氣體性酸血症
55809607 gaseous alkalosis 氣體性鹼血症
55809608 gaseous discharge 氣體放電
55809609 gaseous distention 氣性膨脹
55809610 gaseous dyspepsia 氣積性消化不良
55809611 gaseous edema 氣性水腫
55809612 gaseous injection 氣體注射
55809613 gaseous ion 氣體離子
55809614 gaseous metabolism 氣體代謝
55809615 gaseous tension 氣體張力
55809616 Gasser's syndrome Gasser氏症候群
55809617 Gasserian duct Gasser氏管
55809618 Gasterophilidae 胃蠅科
55809619 gastralgia 胃痛
55809620 gastric 胃的
55809621 gastric adenocarcinoma 胃腺癌
55809622 gastric asthma 胃病性氣喘
55809623 gastric capillary 胃的微血管
55809624 gastric colic 胃絞痛
55809625 gastric coronary plexus 胃冠狀神經叢
55809626 gastric dilatation 胃擴張
55809627 gastric dyspepsia 胃性消化不良
55809628 gastric fistula 胃?
55809629 gastric hemorrhage 胃出血
55809630 gastric indigestion 胃消化不良
55809631 gastric mucosa 胃黏膜
55809632 gastric nerve 胃神經
55809633 gastric oxyntic cell 胃泌酸細胞
55809634 gastric vertigo 胃性眩暈
55809635 gastrinoma 胃泌細胞瘤
55809636 gastritis 胃炎
55809637 gastritis granulomatosa fibroplastica 纖維性肉芽腫性胃炎
55809638 gastritis ulcerosa 潰瘍性胃炎
55809639 gastro-intestinal 胃與腸的
55809640 gastro-intestinal fluid 胃腸液
55809641 gastrocardiac 胃與心的
55809642 gastrocardiac syndrome 胃心症候群
55809643 gastrocnemius 腓腸肌
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 11251 到第 11300 筆