
英文名稱 中文名稱
55810294 hacking cough 頻咳
55810295 Hadfield-Clarke syndrome Hadfield-Clarke二氏症候群
55810296 haem 血質
55810297 haemangiectatic hypertrophy 血管擴張狀增生
55810298 haemangioendothelioma,malignant 惡性血管內皮瘤
55810299 haemangioma 血管瘤
55810300 haemangiomatosis 血管瘤病
55810301 haemangiopericytoma 血管周皮細胞瘤
55810302 haematin 血質
55810303 haematobia 住血蟲
55810304 haematocrit monitoring following burns 燒傷後血比容之監測
55810305 haematohidrosis 血汗症
55810306 haematology 血液學
55810307 haematoma 血腫
55810308 haematoporphyria,congenital 先天性血紫質病
55810309 haematoxylin 蘇木素
55810310 haematoxylin and eosin stain 蘇木素及伊紅染色法
55810311 haematuria 血尿
55810312 haemin 血晶素
55810313 haemochromatosis 血色素沉積症
55810314 haemodialysis 血液透析術
55810315 haemofiltration 血液濾過術
55810316 haemoglobin 紅血球素
55810317 haemolytic 溶血性的
55810318 haemolytic disease of newborn 新生兒之溶血症
55810319 haemopoietic growth factors 促血球生成生長激素
55810320 haemorrhage 出血
55810321 haemorrhagic 出血性的
55810322 haemorrhagic diease of the newborn 新生兒的出血性疾病
55810323 haemorrhagic gonorrhea 血尿性淋病
55810324 haemosiderin 含鐵血紅素
55810325 haemosiderosis 含鐵血紅素沉積症
55810326 haemostasis 止血
55810327 Hagedorn's needles Hagedorn氏針
55810328 Hailey and Hailey disease Hailey氏病
55810329 Hailey-Hailey disease Hailey-Hailey氏病
55810330 Hailey-Hailey-like epidermal naevus Hailey-Hailey樣表皮痣
55810331 hair 毛髮
55810332 hair canal development 毛管之發育
55810333 hair cast 毛髮圓柱
55810334 hair cell 髮細胞
55810335 hair collar sign 毛領表徵
55810336 hair cycle 毛髮周期
55810337 hair follicle 毛囊
55810338 hair follicle nevus 毛囊痣
55810339 hair germ 毛囊的微生物
55810340 hair loss 掉髮
55810341 hair shaft cortex 毛幹
55810342 hair(pili) 毛髮
55810343 HAIR-AN syndrome(HyperAndrogenism,Insulin,Resistance,Acanthosis Nigricans) HAIR-AN症候群(雄性激素過多、胰島素抗性、黑色棘皮症)
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 11951 到第 12000 筆