
英文名稱 中文名稱
55810494 heat retention 熱保留
55810495 heat therapy of warts 疣之熱治療
55810496 heat urticaria 熱性蕁麻疹
55810497 heat-stroke 中暑 (heat stroke)
55810498 heavy arch wire 牙弓粗線
55810499 heavy oxygen 重氧
55810500 heavy-chain disease 重鏈蛋白質病
55810501 heavy-for-dates (初生兒)體重過重
55810502 Heberden's asthma Heberden氏氣喘
55810503 hebetic 青春期的
55810504 hebetic cough 青春期咳
55810505 Hebra nose Hebra氏鼻
55810506 hecateromeric 兩分的
55810507 hecateromeric cell 兩歧細胞
55810508 hecatomeral 兩分的
55810509 hecatomeral cell 兩歧細胞
55810510 heckle cell 棘細胞
55810511 heel bone 跟骨
55810512 Heidenhain's cell Heidenhain氏細胞
55810513 height 身高;高度
55810514 height vertigo 懸崖眩暈
55810515 helicine arterys 螺旋動脈
55810516 helicine arterys of penis 陰莖螺旋動脈
55810517 helicoid 螺旋形的
55810518 helicoid fracture 螺旋骨折
55810519 helicoid suture needle 螺旋形縫合針
55810520 Heliodorus' bandage Heliodorus氏繃帶
55810521 heliotherapy 日光療法
55810522 heliotrope cyanosis 向日散狀發紺
55810523 Heller's plexus Heller氏叢
55810524 Helly's fluid Helly氏液
55810525 Helmholtz's ligament Helmholtz氏韌帶
55810526 helminthic 蠕蟲的
55810527 helminthic abscess 蠕蟲性膿腫
55810528 helminthic appendicitis 寄生蟲性闌尾炎
55810529 helminthic disease 蠕蟲病
55810530 helminthic infection 蠕蟲感染
55810531 helper cell 協助者細胞
55810532 helper T cells 協助者T細胞
55810533 Helweg's tract Helweg氏徑
55810534 Helweg-Larssen-Ludwigsen syndrome(hypohidrosis with neurolabyrinthitis) Helweg-Larssen-Lud-wigsen氏症候群(乏汗伴神經性迷路炎)
55810535 hemal 血的
55810536 hemangiectatic 血管擴張的
55810537 hemangiectatic hypertropy 血管性擴張性肥大
55810538 hemangioendothelioma 血管內皮瘤
55810539 hemangioendothelioma,eqitheloid 上皮樣血管內皮細胞瘤
55810540 hemangioendothelioma,Kaposiform 卡波西氏瘤樣血管內皮細胞瘤
55810541 hemangioendothelioma,retiform 網狀血管內皮細胞瘤
55810542 hemangioendothelioma,spindle cell 梭狀細胞血管內皮細胞瘤
55810543 hemangioma 血管瘤
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 12151 到第 12200 筆