
英文名稱 中文名稱
55812544 juvenile hyaline 幼年型透明樣
55812545 juvenile hyaline fibromatosis 幼年透明性纖維瘤病
55812546 juvenile melanoma 幼年型黑色素瘤
55812547 juvenile Paget's disease 青少年期的Paget氏病
55812548 juvenile palmoplantar 幼年型行掌蹠
55812549 juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 青少年期的類風濕關節炎
55812550 juvenile xanthogranuloma 幼年型黃色肉芽腫
55812551 juxta-clavicular beaded lines 近鎖骨念珠狀線
55812552 juxtacervicovesical fistula 近子宮頸膀胱陰道廔管
55812553 juxtacortical 近皮質的
55812554 juxtaductal coarctation, of aorta 近導管型主動脈縮窄
55812555 juxtaglomerular 近腎絲球的
55812556 juxtaglomerular cell 近腎絲球細胞
55812557 juxtaglomerular cell hyperplasia 近腎絲球細胞增生
55812558 juxtaglomerular cell hypertrophy 近腎絲球細肥肥大
55812559 juxtaglomerular hyperplasia with hyperaldosteronism 近腎絲球增生併醛酯酮過多症
55812560 K cell 殺手細胞
55812561 Kabuki make-up syndrome Kabuki make-up 症候群
55812562 Kahlbaum's disease Kahlbaum氏病
55812563 Kaiserstuhl disease Kaiserstuhl氏病
55812564 Kallikrein 微血管增滲素
55812565 Kamerun's swelling Kamerun氏腫脹
55812566 Kanavel's cock-up splint Kanavel氏撐起夾板
55812567 kangri cancer 火籃癌;熱炕癌
55812568 kaposi eruption 水痘樣疹
55812569 Kaposi sarcoma Kaposi氏肉瘤
55812570 Karell diet Karell氏飲食
55812571 Karroo syndrome Karroo氏症候群
55812572 Kartagener's syndrome Kartagener氏症候群
55812573 karyochrome cell 核色細胞
55812574 Kasabach Kasabach氏
55812575 Kasabach-Merritt syndrome(hemangioma-thrombo-cytopenia syndrome) Kasabach-Merritt氏症候群(血管瘤─血小板減少症候群)
55812576 Kase's syndrome Kase氏症候群
55812577 katabolic metabolism 分解代謝
55812578 katabolism 分解代謝
55812579 Kayser's disease Kayser氏病
55812580 Keith's low ionic diet Keith氏低鈉飲食
55812581 Keller-Blake splint Keller-Blake二氏夾板
55812582 keloid 瘢瘤;蟹足腫
55812583 keloidalis 瘢瘤性毛囊炎
55812584 Kempner's diet Kempner氏飲食
55812585 Kendall Sequential Compression Device Kendall 連續性壓迫器
55812586 Kennedy's syndrome Kennedy氏症候群
55812587 keratinocyte 角質細胞
55812588 keratoacantho-ma 角質棘皮瘤
55812589 keratoacanthoma 角質棘皮瘤
55812590 keratoderma 角皮病
55812591 keratodermia 角皮病
55812592 keratoid 角質狀的
55812593 keratoid degeneration 角質狀變性
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 14201 到第 14250 筆