
英文名稱 中文名稱
55812844 lateral cervical ligament 外側頸韌帶
55812845 lateral circumflex femoral veins 旋股外側靜脈
55812846 lateral condyle 外髁
55812847 lateral condyle of femur 股骨外髁
55812848 lateral cord and associated anterior cornual syndrome 脊髓側索及前角症候群
55812849 lateral corticospinal tract 皮質脊側徑
55812850 lateral costotransverse ligament 外側肋橫突韌帶
55812851 lateral cricoarytenoid muscle 環杓外側肌
55812852 lateral cuneiform bone 外側楔骨
55812853 lateral cutaneous nerve of calf 腓腸外側皮神經
55812854 lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm 前臂外側皮神經
55812855 lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh 股外側皮神經
55812856 lateral disc 側板
55812857 lateral dislocation 側脫位
55812858 lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot 足背外側皮神經
55812859 lateral endothelial cushion 側內皮墊
55812860 lateral epicondyle of femur 股骨外上髁
55812861 lateral femoral circumflex artery 旋股外側動脈
55812862 lateral fillet tract 蹄系外側徑
55812863 lateral groove for lateral sinus of occipital bone 枕骨側竇溝
55812864 lateral groove for lateral sinus of parietal bone 頂骨側竇溝
55812865 lateral groove for sigmoidal part of lateral sinus 側竇乙狀部溝
55812866 lateral intermuscular ligament of arm 臂外側肌間韌帶
55812867 lateral intermuscular ligament of thigh 大腿外側肌間韌帶
55812868 lateral ligament of internal temporomandibular joint 顳下?關節內側韌帶
55812869 lateral ligament of the malleus 鎚骨外側韌帶
55812870 lateral ligaments of joints of fingers 指關節外側韌帶
55812871 lateral ligaments of joints of toes 趾關節外側韌帶
55812872 lateral ligaments of metacarpophalangeal joints 掌指關節外側韌帶
55812873 lateral ligaments of metatarsophalangeal joints 蹠趾關節外側韌帶
55812874 lateral occlusion 齒外側咬合
55812875 lateral phallic groove 陰莖外側溝
55812876 lateral striate artery 紋狀體外側動脈
55812877 lateral ventricle 側腦室
55812878 lateralis 外側
55812879 latex 植物乳汁;乳膠
55812880 lathe-cut amalgam alloy 切削型汞齊合金
55812881 latissimus dorsi 闊背肌
55812882 Lawrence-Seip's syndrome Lawrence-Seip氏症候群(脂肪萎縮性糖尿病症候群)
55812883 lax 鬆弛的
55812884 leading edge of blade endosseous implant 刃形骨內植體之導緣
55812885 least occipital nerve 枕最小神經
55812886 leather splint 革製夾板
55812887 ledge
55812888 left azygos vein 左奇靜脈
55812889 left coronary artery of heart 心臟左冠狀動脈
55812890 left coronary artery of stomach 胃左動脈
55812891 left coronary vein 左冠狀靜脈
55812892 left duct of caudate lobe 尾葉左管
55812893 left external iliac artery 左髂外動脈
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 14501 到第 14550 筆