
英文名稱 中文名稱
55816294 oedema cutis circumscriptum 局限性皮膚水腫
55816295 oedema gaseosum 氣性水腫
55816296 oedema lymphaticum 淋巴管性水腫
55816297 oedema mucosum 粘液水腫
55816298 oedema nephriticum 腎炎性水腫
55816299 oedema pulmonum 肺水腫
55816300 oedema rheumaticum 風濕性水腫
55816301 oedematous 水腫的
55816302 oestrus ovis 羊鼻蠅
55816303 office counseling 門診諮商
55816304 official 法定的
55816305 official name 法定名稱
55816306 officinal 常備的;藥典規定的
55816307 Ofuji's disease (Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis) 太藤病(嗜酸球性膿?性毛囊炎)
55816308 Ogikvie's syndrome Ogikvie氏症候群
55816309 Ogna variant of epidermolysis bullosa simplex 歐格納型單純性大皰性表皮鬆解症
55816310 Ohlmacher's fixing fluid Ohlmacher氏固定液
55816311 oil
55816312 oil acne 油性痤瘡
55816313 oil cell 油細胞
55816314 oil cyst 油質囊腫
55816315 oil cysts 油性囊腫
55816316 oil embolism 脂肪栓塞
55816317 oil folliculitis,occupational 職業性油性毛囊炎
55816318 oil granuloma 油性肉芽腫
55816319 oil immersion lens 油浸鏡
55816320 oil of clove 丁香油
55816321 oil-ether anesthesia 油醚麻醉
55816322 ointment 軟膏
55816323 ointment dressing 軟膏敷裏
55816324 old dislocation 陳舊性脫位
55816325 olecranal 鷹嘴的
55816326 olecranal fracture 鷹嘴骨折
55816327 olefiant gas 乙烯
55816328 oleogranuloma 油性肉芽腫
55816329 oleogranuloma/olema 油性肉芽腫
55816330 olfactory 嗅覺的
55816331 olfactory anesthesia 嗅覺缺失
55816332 olfactory bulb 嗅球
55816333 olfactory cell 嗅細胞
55816334 olfactory delusion 嗅妄想
55816335 olfactory epithelium 嗅覺上皮
55816336 olfactory foramen 嗅神經孔
55816337 olfactory genital dysplasia 嗅覺、生殖器發育不全
55816338 olfactory gland 嗅腺
55816339 olfactory groove 嗅葉溝
55816340 olfactory hair 嗅毛
55816341 olfactory hallucination 嗅幻覺
55816342 olfactory hyperhidrosis 嗅覺性多汗症
55816343 olfactory neuroblastoma 嗅神經母細胞瘤
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 17951 到第 18000 筆