
英文名稱 中文名稱
55816444 operating procedure 手術步驟
55816445 operating room 手術室;開刀房
55816446 operating room decorum 手術室規則
55816447 operating room draping 手術室覆巾
55816448 operation 手術
55816449 operation table 手術台
55816450 operative 手術的
55816451 operative complication 手術併發症
55816452 operative defect 手術性缺陷
55816453 operative field 手術區
55816454 operative procedure 手術步驟
55816455 operative requirement oral surgery 口腔外科作業需求
55816456 ophthalmia 眼炎
55816457 ophthalmia neoratorum,gonococcal 新生兒淋菌性眼炎
55816458 ophthalmic 眼的
55816459 ophthalmic artery 眼動脈
55816460 ophthalmic gonorrhea 眼淋病
55816461 ophthalmic Graves disease Graves氏突眼病
55816462 ophthalmic lens 鏡片
55816463 ophthalmic nerve 眼神經
55816464 ophthalmic rosasea 酒渣性眼病變
55816465 ophthalmic tract 視徑
55816466 ophthalmic zoster 眼帶狀皰疹
55816467 ophthalmoganglionar complex 眼神經節複合體
55816468 ophthalmomeningeal vein 眼腦膜靜脈
55816469 ophthalmoplegia 眼肌麻痺
55816470 ophthalmoplegia extrna 眼外肌麻痺
55816471 opiates 鴉片劑
55816472 opitmal nutrition 最適當營養
55816473 Opiz's disease Opiz氏病
55816474 opportunistic infection 伺機性感染
55816475 opposing muscle of little finger 小指對掌肌
55816476 opposing muscle of thumb 拇指對掌肌
55816477 optic 視覺的;光學的
55816478 optic agraphia 視覺性失寫症
55816479 optic anesthesia 視覺缺失
55816480 optic aphasia 視覺性失語症
55816481 optic disc 視神經盤
55816482 optic disc(blind spot) 視盤(盲點)
55816483 optic foramen 視神經孔
55816484 optic groove 視交叉溝
55816485 optic nerveoptic nerve 視神經
55816486 optic papilla 視乳頭
55816487 optic tract 視徑
55816488 optical 視力的;光學的
55816489 optical center of lens 鏡片光心
55816490 optical opacity 不透光性
55816491 optimal 最適合的
55816492 optimal diet 最適當飲食
55816493 optimal stimulation 良性刺激
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 18101 到第 18150 筆