
英文名稱 中文名稱
55821494 short adductor muscle 內收短肌
55821495 short anconeus muscle 短肘後肌
55821496 short bone 短骨
55821497 short extensor muscle of great toe 伸拇趾短肌
55821498 short extensor muscle of thumb 伸拇指短肌
55821499 short extensor muscle of toe 伸趾短肌
55821500 short fibular muscle 腓骨短肌
55821501 short flexor muscle of great toe 屈拇趾短肌
55821502 short flexor muscle of little finger 屈小指短肌
55821503 short flexor muscle of little toe 屈小趾短肌
55821504 short flexor muscle of thumb 屈拇指短肌
55821505 short flexor muscle of toe 屈趾短肌
55821506 short gastric veins 胃短靜脈
55821507 short levator muscle of rib 提肋短肌
55821508 short palmar muscle 短掌肌
55821509 short peroneal muscle 腓骨短肌
55821510 short rotator muscle 迴旋短肌
55821511 shoulder
55821512 shoulder blade 肩胛
55821513 shoulder girdle 肩帶
55821514 shoulder girdle syndrome 肩胛帶症候群
55821515 shoulder of blade endosseous implant 刃形骨內植體之肩台
55821516 shoulder-hand syndrome 肩手症候群
55821517 shoulder-strap resonance 肩部扣響
55821518 shuffle foot 拖曳足
55821519 Shulman's syndrome(eosinophilic fasciitis) 夏爾曼氏症候群(嗜伊紅球性肌膜炎)
55821520 shunt 分流
55821521 shunt cyanosis 分流性發紺
55821522 shuttlemaker's disease 梭工病
55821523 sialometaplasia 涎腺化生
55821524 sialorrhea 流涎
55821525 Sibson's aponeurosis Sibson氏腱膜
55821526 Sicard's syndrome Sicard氏症候群
55821527 Siccardi's syndrome 西卡爾氏症候群
55821528 sick building syndrome 大廈不良症候群
55821529 sick cell syndrome 病態細胞症候群
55821530 sickle cell 鐮狀細胞
55821531 sickle cell anemia 鐮狀細胞性貧血
55821532 sickness
55821533 side
55821534 siderotic 鐵質沉著的
55821535 Siemen's syndrome 西門氏症候群(水?性魚鱗病)
55821536 Siemens' syndrome Siemens氏症候群
55821537 Siemens-Halske cell 鎌狀細胞
55821538 sieve bone 篩骨
55821539 sieve graft 篩狀移植物
55821540 sigh 歎氣
55821541 sighing dyspnea 嘆息性呼吸困難
55821542 sighing respiration 喟嘆狀呼吸
55821543 sigmoid 乙狀的
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 23151 到第 23200 筆