
英文名稱 中文名稱
55821694 slow reacting substance of anaphylaxis 過敏性慢反應物質
55821695 slow respiration 緩慢呼吸
55821696 slow virus 慢病毒
55821697 Sluder's neuralgia Sluder氏神經痛
55821698 Sluder's syndrome Sluder氏症候群
55821699 sluggish muscle 緩縮肌
55821700 slumber 微睡
55821701 slumber cell 睡眠細胞
55821702 small cardiac vein 心小靜脈
55821703 small interarch distance 小顎間距
55821704 small mouth 小口
55821705 small pox 天花
55821706 small sapenous vein 小隱靜脈
55821707 small saphenous vein 小隱靜脈
55821708 small scitatic nerve 坐骨小神經
55821709 small vein of heart 心小靜脈
55821710 small-lunged emphysema 小肺性氣腫
55821711 smaller multangular bone 小多角骨
55821712 smaller pectoral muscle 胸小肌
55821713 smaller psoas muscle 腰小肌
55821714 smallest adductor muscle 內收小肌
55821715 smallest cardiac veins 心最小靜脈
55821716 smallest scalene muscle 小斜角肌
55821717 smarting reaction 刺痛反應
55821718 Smee cell Smee氏電池
55821719 smell 嗅覺
55821720 Smith antigen 史密斯抗原
55821721 Smith's disease Smith氏病
55821722 Smith's dislocation Smith氏脫位
55821723 Smith's fracture Smith氏骨折
55821724 Smith-Strang disease 甲硫胺酸吸收障礙症候群
55821725 smoker 吸菸者
55821726 smoker keratosis 吸?者角化症
55821727 smoker's cancer 煙徒癌
55821728 smoker's dyspepsia 嗜煙者消化不良
55821729 smoker's respirtory syndrome 吸煙者呼吸症候群
55821730 smoker's vertigo 菸徒眩暈
55821731 smokers asthma 吸煙者氣喘
55821732 smoky urine ?色尿
55821733 smooth diet 無刺激性飲食
55821734 smooth muscle 平滑肌
55821735 smooth muscle nevi 平滑肌痣
55821736 smudge cell 污斑細胞
55821737 snake bite 蛇咬傷
55821738 snap 彈響
55821739 snaps 彈響;銳聲
55821740 Sneddon-Wikinson disease(subcorneal pustular dermatosis) 史鈉得─威京生氏症候群(角質層下膿?病)
55821741 Snell cell Snell氏電池
55821742 snow blindness 雪盲
55821743 soap 肥皂
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 23351 到第 23400 筆