
英文名稱 中文名稱
55824544 vegerable-solar dermatitis 蔬菜日光性皮炎
55824545 vegetable albumin 植物蛋白素
55824546 vegetable diet 素食
55824547 vegetable insulin 植物性胰島素
55824548 vegetable protein 植物蛋白質
55824549 vegetable-farmer's dermatitis 菜農皮膚炎
55824550 vegetating bromoderma 增殖性溴疹
55824551 vegetation 贅生物;增殖體
55824552 vegetative 植物性的;生長的;營養的
55824553 vegetative disorder 生長障礙
55824554 vegetative endocarditis 增殖性心內膜炎
55824555 vegetative state 植物人狀態
55824556 vehicle 賦形劑
55824557 vein 靜脈
55824558 vein anesthesia 靜脈麻醉法
55824559 vein of aqueduct of vestibule 前庭小管靜脈
55824560 vein of bulb of penis 陰莖球體靜脈
55824561 vein of bulb of vestibule 前庭球體靜脈
55824562 vein of canaliculus of cochlea 蝸管靜脈
55824563 vein of cochlear canal 蝸管靜脈
55824564 vein of kidney 腎靜脈
55824565 vein of labyrinth 迷路靜脈
55824566 vein of Marshall Marshall氏靜脈;左房斜靜脈
55824567 vein of pterygoid canal 翼管靜脈
55824568 vein of septum pellucidum 透明隔靜脈
55824569 vein of sylvian fossa 大腦中靜脈
55824570 veins of Sappey Sappey氏靜脈;副臍靜脈
55824571 veins of Vieussens Vieussens氏靜脈;心前靜脈
55824572 velamentous placenta 帆狀胎盤
55824573 Vella's fistula Vella氏?
55824574 vellus hair 毳毛;毫毛;汗毛
55824575 velopharyngeal closure 咽帆關閉
55824576 Velpeau's bandage Velpeau氏繃帶
55824577 Velpeau's hernia Velpeau氏疝
55824578 velvety 天鵝絨般的
55824579 vena 靜脈
55824580 vena anastomotica inferior 下吻合靜脈
55824581 vena anastomotica superior 上吻合靜脈
55824582 vena angularis 內貲靜脈
55824583 vena anteriores cerebri 大腦前靜脈
55824584 vena appendicularis 蚓突靜脈
55824585 vena aqueductus cochleae 蝸管靜脈
55824586 vena aqueductus vestibuli 前庭管靜脈
55824587 vena auricularis posterior 耳後靜脈
55824588 vena axillaris 腋靜脈
55824589 vena azygos 奇靜脈
55824590 vena basalis 底靜脈
55824591 vena basilica 貴要靜脈
55824592 vena basilis 底靜脈
55824593 vena bulbi penis 陰莖球體靜脈
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 26201 到第 26250 筆