
英文名稱 中文名稱
55801344 atypical gout 非典型痛風
55801345 atypical hyloma 非典型髓質瘤
55801346 atypical hyperplasia 非典型增生
55801347 atypical ichthyosiform erythroderma 非典型魚鱗癬樣紅皮症
55801348 atypical mycobacterial infections of the skin 皮膚非典型分枝桿菌感染
55801349 atypical mycobacteriosis 非典型分枝桿菌病
55801350 atypical pigmented purpura 非典型色素性紫斑
55801351 atypical pseudocholinesterase 非典型假膽鹼脂?
55801352 atypical pseudosarcomatous cutaneous histiocytoma 非典型假肉瘤性皮膚組織細胞瘤
55801353 atypical purpura fulminans 非典型猛爆性紫斑症
55801354 atypical pyogenic granuloma 非典型化膿性肉芽腫
55801355 atypical tuberculosis 非典型結核病
55801356 atypical verrucous endocarditis 非典型性贅疣狀心內膜炎
55801357 au 波長單位
55801358 Auchmeromyia 蠅之一屬
55801359 audio-visual-tactile stimulation 聽視觸覺刺激
55801360 audiofrequency electrotherapy 音頻電療法
55801361 audiogram 聽力記錄單
55801362 auditory 聽覺的
55801363 auditory after-sensation 遺後聽覺
55801364 Auditory amnesia 聽覺性健忘
55801365 auditory aphasia 聽覺性失語症
55801366 Auditory area 聽區
55801367 Auditory aura 聽覺性先兆
55801368 Auditory capsule 胚胎聽囊
55801369 auditory cell 聽細胞
55801370 Auditory center 聽覺中樞
55801371 auditory cortex 聽覺皮質
55801372 auditory duct 蝸管腔
55801373 Auditory eminence 聽核隆凸
55801374 Auditory field 聽界
55801375 auditory hallucination 聽幻覺
55801376 Auditory meatus 聽道
55801377 auditory nerve 聽神經
55801378 Auditory nuclei 聽神經核
55801379 auditory ossicle 聽小骨
55801380 auditory ossicles 聽小骨
55801381 auditory percussion 聽音叩診
55801382 auditory tract 聽束
55801383 auditory tube 耳咽管
55801384 auditory vertigo 耳性眩暈
55801385 Auerbach's plexus 歐巴赫氏叢
55801386 Aufrecht's disease 亞弗雷特氏病
55801387 augmentation 增大
55801388 augmented respiration 呼吸增強
55801389 aura 先兆
55801390 aural 耳的;先兆的
55801391 aural preparations 耳製劑
55801392 auramine 金胺
55801393 auramine O 金胺O
總共 27175 筆,顯示第 3001 到第 3050 筆