
英文名稱 中文名稱
55725561 cleaner 1.提砂鉤 2.清除器
55725562 cleaning room 清理場
55725563 cleaning tool 清理工具
55725564 cleaning with acid 酸洗
55725565 clearance 餘隙,間隙
55725566 clearance print 外伸砂心頭
55725567 clearance taper print 外伸斜度砂心頭
55725568 clinker 1.熔結塊 2.煤渣
55725569 clinkered dolomite 燒結白雲石
55725570 clod lap 冷疊(鑄疵)
55725571 clod metal 冷料
55725572 clogging 黏砂
55725573 closed riser 暗冒口
55725574 closing device 合模機
55725575 closing pin 合模銷
55725576 closing wedge 合模楔子
55725577 cluster 群模鑄件
55725578 cluster bottom mold(runner core) 澆道磚
55725579 CO2 process(carbon dioxide process) CO2造模法;二氣化碳造模法
55725580 coal
55725581 coal dust 煤粉;煤塵
55725582 coal furnace 煤爐
55725583 coal gas 煤氣
55725584 coal tar 煤焦油
55725585 coarse pearlite 粗糙波來鐵
55725586 coarse sand 粗砂
55725587 coarse structure 粗鬆組織
55725588 coat 塗料;塗模劑
55725589 coated sand 裹貼砂
55725590 coating 1.塗料 2.上塗料
55725591 coating process 裹貼法
55725592 cobalt 60 鈷60;鈷六十
55725593 cobbing 小塊料
55725594 coefficient of equivalent 當量;等價系數
55725595 coercive force 保磁力
55725596 cohesion 凝聚
55725597 cohesion of sand 砂凝聚力
55725598 cohesive strength 凝聚強度
55725599 coining 壓模印
55725600 coke 煤焦
55725601 coke bed 底焦
55725602 coke booster 補充焦
55725603 coke breeze 碎焦炭
55725604 coke charge 層焦
55725605 coke furnace 焦炭爐;煤焦爐
55725606 coke oven 煉焦爐
55725607 coke pig iron 焦炭生鐵;煤焦生鐵
55725608 coke powder 焦炭粉;煤焦粉
55725609 coke ratio 焦炭比;煤焦比
55725610 coke size 焦塊粒度
總共 5314 筆,顯示第 951 到第 1000 筆