
英文名稱 中文名稱
55725861 cotton bag 棉織濾塵袋
55725862 coupled tuyeres 可換風口
55725863 coupling print 聯結砂心端承
55725864 coupon 試樣胚
55725865 cover die 定模(壓鑄)
55725866 cover heating 覆蓋加熱
55725867 covered tea pot ladle 附蓋茶壺式澆桶
55725868 covering flux 覆蓋熔劑
55725869 crab 絞盤車
55725870 crack 裂痕(鑄疵)
55725871 crack impregnation test 裂痕浸滲試驗
55725872 crack propagation 裂痕擴散
55725873 crack test 裂痕試驗
55725874 cracker core 增壓砂心
55725875 cracking strip 防裂筋
55725876 cradle 搖台
55725877 cramp 夾器;鉗
55725878 crane 起重機;弔車
55725879 crane ladle 弔車澆桶
55725880 crazing 燒裂(鑄疵)
55725881 creasy surface 皺痕面(鑄疵)
55725882 creep 潛變
55725883 creep limit 潛變限度
55725884 critical point 臨界點
55725885 critical solidification rate 臨界凝固率
55725886 critical temperature 臨界溫度
55725887 Croning process(C-process) 克朗寧造模法(殼模法)
55725888 cross bar 砂箱隔條
55725889 cross gate 橫流道
55725890 cross joint 1.十字接頭 2.錯合(鑄疵)
55725891 cross section 橫斷面
55725892 crucible 坩堝
55725893 crucible furnace 坩堝爐
55725894 crucible lifter 坩堝吊鉗
55725895 crucible pouring device 坩堝澆鑄裝置
55725896 crucible process 坩堝法
55725897 crucible steel 坩堝鋼
55725898 crucible tongs 坩堝鉗
55725899 crucible wash 坩堝塗漿
55725900 crucible zone(well) 爐池
55725901 crude oil 原油
55725902 crude sand 原砂;原產矽砂
55725903 crush 1.壓壞(砂模) 2.粉碎
55725904 crush of core 砂心壓壞
55725905 crush of mold 砂模壓壞
55725906 crush strip(crush bead) 密合用砂模突條
55725907 crusher 壓碎機
55725908 crushes of parting edge 合模面邊角壓壞
55725909 crushes of parting surface 合模面壓壞
55725910 cryolite 冰晶石
總共 5314 筆,顯示第 1251 到第 1300 筆