
英文名稱 中文名稱
55726611 frame cross piece 框架隔條
55726612 frame lift 框架弔柄
55726613 frame-rollover machine 翻轉脫模式造模機
55726614 framed core box 框形砂心盒
55726615 free 鬆扣
55726616 free carbon 單體碳
55726617 free cementite 單體雪明碳鐵
55726618 free ferrite 單體肥粒鐵
55726619 free sand 清水砂
55726620 free water 自由水
55726621 freezing 凝固
55726622 freezing point 1.凝固點 2.冰點
55726623 freezing range 凝固範圍
55726624 frequency converter 頻率變換器;週波變換器
55726625 fretting 磨損;侵蝕
55726626 fritted sand 熔砂;燒燬鑄砂
55726627 front slagging 前端出渣
55726628 fuel 燃料
55726629 fuel gas 燃料氣
55726630 fuel oil 燃料油
55726631 fuel ratio 燃料比
55726632 full annealing 完全退火
55726633 full size 足尺
55726634 full-mold process(F-M process) 全模法;F-M造模法
55726635 fume ?氣(有害的)
55726636 fume extraction equipment 抽?氣設備
55726637 furan (口夫)喃系
55726638 furan resin (口夫)喃樹脂
55726639 furan resin binder (口夫)喃樹脂黏結劑
55726640 furfural (口夫)喃(甲)糠醛
55726641 furfuryl alcohol 糠醛酒精
55726642 furnace
55726643 furnace atmosphere 爐內蒙氣
55726644 furnace body 爐體
55726645 furnace castings 爐用鑄件
55726646 furnace coke 高爐焦
55726647 furnace cooling 爐內冷卻
55726648 furnace cradle 爐支架
55726649 furnace gas 爐氣
55726650 furnace lining 爐襯
55726651 furnace tender 爐工(美語)
55726652 furnace-man 爐工
55726653 fused magnesite 熔成菱鎂石
55726654 fused sand 融砂;熔砂
55726655 fusibility 1.可熔性 2.熔度
55726656 fusible alloy 易熔合金
55726657 fusible cone 熔錐
55726658 fusion of packing materials 填料熔接
55726659 fusion of sand 融砂;熔砂
55726660 fusion penetration 滲透融結(鑄疵);滲透熔接
總共 5314 筆,顯示第 2001 到第 2050 筆