(計算時間: 0.035秒, 共找到 107250 筆資料,顯示第 99201 到 99300 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
thomson effect 湯姆遜效應 ( 電流通過溫度不一樣的導體或半導體時會發出或吸收熱量 )
thought recognition 神經中樞的辨識
thousand delivered source instructions 千行送交的原始指令
thousands of instructions per second 每秒千行指令
thousands of lines of code 千行程式碼
thrash 打;擊
thrashing 猛移,往復移動
thread 線,穿線,引線
thread control block,TCB 引線控制塊
thread ID 線程識別碼
thread link 穿線鏈接
thread list of register descriptions 暫存器描述線串列
thread scheduling 穿線排程
thread structure 穿線結構;線程結構
thread trees 穿線的樹
thread-safe 引線安全
thread-testing approach 線測方式
threaded 引線的
threaded binary tree 穿線二元樹
threaded code 穿線碼
threaded file 穿線檔案
threaded hole 穿線孔
threaded Internet newsreader 引線網際網路新聞閱讀器
threaded link 穿線鏈接
threaded list 穿線串列
threaded tree 穿線樹
threaded tree representation 穿線樹表示
threading 穿線
threat 威脅
threat action 威脅作用
threat agent 威脅代理者
threat analysis 威脅分析
threat consequence 威脅結果
threat monitoring 威脅監控
three channel bidirectional bus switch 三通道雙向匯流排開關
three colour process 三色處理
three Cs model 3C 模型
three dimensional 三維
three dimensional analog computer,TRIDAC 三維類比計算機
three dimensional array 三維陣列
three dimensional computer graphic 三維計算機圖形
three dimensional equation 三維方程式
three dimensional four wire,3D4W 三維四線
three dimensional imaging 三維成像
three dimensional interconnection 三維互連
three dimensional package 三維組件
three dimensional structure 三維結構
three dimensional three wire,3D3W 三維三線
three dimensional window 三維視窗
three figure decimal fraction 三數十進分數
three hole core 三孔磁心
three item storage 三項目儲存器
three junction transistor 三接面電晶體
three layered neural network 三層神經網路
three phase 三相
three phase clock pulse 三相時鐘脈衝
three pillars 三根柱石
three plus one instruction 三加一指令
three point bond 三點連接
three time estimates 三時間估計
three wire system 三線系統
three-address 三址
three-address code 三址碼
three-address instruction 三址指令
three-address machine 三址機
three-axis body 三軸體
three-axis satellite 三軸衛星
three-axis stabilization 三軸穩定
three-bit byte 三位位元組
three-chip camera 三晶片攝影機
three-dimension display 三維顯示
three-dimension graphics support 三維圖形支援
three-dimensional analysis 三維分析
three-dimensional animation 三維動畫
Three-Dimensional Graph 三維圖形
three-dimensional sound 立體音響
three-dimensional spreadsheet 三維試算表
three-dimensional visualization 三維視覺化
three-dimension,3D 三維
three-finger salute 行三指禮
three-forked jump 三叉跳越
three-input adder 三輸入加法器
three-input subtracter 三輸入減法器
three-layer construction logic circuit 三層構造邏輯電路
three-length recording 三長度記錄
three-letter code 三字母代碼
three-level addressing 三階定址
three-level distributed system 三級分散系統
three-level tree 三階樹
three-phase commitment protocol 三階段提交協定
three-phase two-dimensional bubble shift register 三相二維泡移位暫存器
three-place accuracy 三位準確度
three-plus-one address 三加一位址
three-plus-one address instruction 三加一位址指令
three-point perspectiveness 三點透視
three-port networks 三埠網路
three-position control 三位置控制
three-position key 三位置電鍵
three-position modulation,3PM 三位置調變
three-quarter-inch 四分之三吋