
英文名稱 中文名稱
56769432 authentication device 鑑別裝置
56769433 authentication exchange 鑑別交換
56769434 authentication header 鑑別標頭
56769435 authentication header ID 鑑別標頭識別碼
56769436 authentication information 鑑別資訊
56769437 authentication key 鑑別金鍵
56769438 Authentication Person, Time Stamp 鑑定人,時間戳記
56769439 authentication protocol 鑑別協定
56769440 authentication scheme 鑑別方案
56769441 authentication server,AS 鑑認伺服器
56769442 authentication service 鑑別服務
56769443 authentication token 鑑別符記
56769444 authentication , authorization , and accounting server 鑑別授權和帳務伺服器
56769445 authentication, authorization and accounting 鑑別授權及歸責
56769446 authentication, authorization, accounting 鑑別、授權、會計
56769447 authenticator 鑑別器;鑑別者
56769448 authenticity 鑑別
56769449 Authenticode 授權碼
56769450 authentification 鑑別
56769451 author 作者
56769452 author and key word in context,AKWIC 上下文關鍵詞及作者索引
56769453 author language 寫作語言
56769454 author's alteration 著者修改
56769455 author's alterations 作者的修改,程式員的程式更改
56769456 author-defined link 作者定義鏈接
56769457 author-defined path 作者定義路徑
56769458 authoring 創作
56769459 authoring language 製作語言
56769460 authoring of personal computer instructional system 個人計算機教授系統之編寫
56769461 authoring program 著作程式
56769462 authoring system 製作系統
56769463 authoring tool 創作工具
56769464 authority 權限,權力
56769465 authority certificate 權力憑證;權限憑證
56769466 authority file 權限檔案
56769467 authority frame identifier 權限框識別符
56769468 authority list 權限列表
56769469 authority matrix 授權矩陣
56769470 authority revocation list 權限註銷列表
56769471 authority table,AT 權限表
56769472 authorization 授權
56769473 authorization certificate 授權憑證
56769474 authorization code 授權碼
56769475 authorization constraint 授權限制條件;授權約束
56769476 authorization data set 特許資料集
56769477 Authorization Effective Date 授權有效日期
56769478 Authorization Expiration Date 授權截止日期
56769479 authorization file 授權檔案
56769480 Authorization Identifier 授權識別符
56769481 authorization information 授權資訊
總共 107250 筆,顯示第 6651 到第 6700 筆