
英文名稱 中文名稱
56763432 accept operation 接受作業
56763433 accept phase 接受階段
56763434 accept response 接受回應
56763435 accept sequence error 接受順序錯誤
56763436 accept statement 接受敘述
56763437 accept with error 有錯誤仍予接受
56763438 accept with warning 有警告仍予接受
56763439 acceptable estimates 可接受估計量
56763440 acceptable failure rate,AFR 可接受故障率
56763441 acceptable level of risk 可承受風險等級
56763442 acceptable program 可接受程式
56763443 acceptable quality level,AQL 可接受品質位準
56763444 acceptable reliability level,ARL 可接受的可靠性位準
56763445 acceptable string 可接受字串
56763446 acceptable use policy,AUP 使用規章
56763447 acceptance 驗收
56763448 acceptance acknowledge 接受應答
56763449 acceptance and transfer,A&T 驗收與移轉
56763450 acceptance angle 接受角
56763451 acceptance criteria 驗收準則
56763452 acceptance criterion 驗收準則
56763453 acceptance data package,ADP 驗收資料包
56763454 acceptance functional test procedure,AFTP 驗收功能測試程序
56763455 acceptance functional test,AFT 驗收功能測試
56763456 acceptance inspection 驗收檢驗
56763457 acceptance inspection package,AIP 驗收檢驗套裝軟體
56763458 acceptance problem 驗收問題
56763459 acceptance quality level 驗收品質等級
56763460 acceptance requirement package 驗收需求包
56763461 acceptance requirements,AR 驗收需求
56763462 acceptance review 驗收檢視
56763463 acceptance test procedure,ATP 驗收測試程序
56763464 acceptance testing 驗收測試
56763465 acceptance test,AT 驗收測試
56763466 acceptance trials 驗收試驗
56763467 accepted limit 接受極限
56763468 accepted sequence 接受順序
56763469 accepted tolerance 接受容許度
56763470 accepted value 接受值
56763471 accepting 接收
56763472 accepting state 接收狀態
56763473 accepting station 接收站
56763474 acceptor 接收器
56763475 acceptor handshake,AH 接收器交握
56763476 acceptor of data 資料接收器
56763477 access 存取,進接,讀取,進出
56763478 access activated 存取已啟動
56763479 access activation initiated by user 由使用者啟動的接取啟用
56763480 access activity 存取活動
56763481 access algorithm 存取演算法
總共 107250 筆,顯示第 651 到第 700 筆