
英文名稱 中文名稱
56738951 capillary tube of refrigerating system 製冷系統毛細管
56738952 capital charges 資金費用
56738953 capital construction procedure 基本施工程序
56738954 capital fund rule 資本基金制
56738955 capital investment 投資
56738956 caplight 帽燈
56738957 capped end (of a cable) (電纜)封頭
56738958 capstan amplifier 絞盤放大器
56738959 capsule irradiation 囊照射
56738960 capture (of neutron) (中子)捕獲
56738961 capture cross section 捕獲截面
56738962 capture cross-section 捕獲截面
56738963 capture distribution 捕獲分布
56738964 capture efficiency 捕獲效率
56738965 capture elastic scattering 捕獲彈性散射
56738966 capture event 捕獲事件
56738967 capture gamma 捕獲加馬
56738968 capture gamma radiation 捕獲加馬輻射
56738969 capture gamma-rays 捕獲加馬射線
56738970 capture gammas 捕獲加馬
56738971 capture gammas in shield 屏蔽捕獲加馬
56738972 capture inelastic scattering 捕獲非彈性散射
56738973 capture matrix 擷取矩陣
56738974 capture mean-free path 捕獲平均自由行程
56738975 capture measurement 捕獲測定
56738976 capture probability 捕獲機率
56738977 capture product 捕獲產物
56738978 capture radiation 捕獲輻射
56738979 capture rate 捕獲率
56738980 capture reaction 捕獲反應
56738981 capture resonance 捕獲共振
56738982 capture scattering 捕獲散射
56738983 capture star 捕獲星跡
56738984 capture time 捕獲時間
56738985 capture to fission ratio 捕獲與分裂比
56738986 capture transition 捕獲過渡
56738987 capture width 捕獲寬度
56738988 capture-gamma counting 捕獲加馬計數
56738989 capture-gamma- ray detector 捕獲加馬射線偵檢器
56738990 capture-produced isotope 捕獲產生同位素
56738991 capture-radiation dose 捕獲輻射劑量
56738992 capture-to-fission ratio 捕獲與分裂比
56738993 capturing nucleus 捕獲核
56738994 capturing state 捕獲狀態
56738995 car retarder 軌道制動器,車(輛)減速器,阻車器
56738996 car stop indicator 車輛停止標誌
56738997 carbide analysis 碳化物分析
56738998 carbon
56738999 carbon (granule) transmitter 碳粒發話器
56739000 carbon arc 碳弧
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 5301 到第 5350 筆