
英文名稱 中文名稱
56756101 receive narrow band 接收狹頻帶
56756102 receive synchronizer 接收同步器
56756103 received data circuit 資料接收電路
56756104 received data lead 資料接收引頭
56756105 receiver cord 接話機線繩
56756106 receiver diaphragm 收話機膜片
56756107 receiver earpiece 收話機耳承
56756108 receiver head band 收話機頭箍
56756109 receiver mismatch 接收機失配
56756110 receiver protecting devices 接收機保護裝置
56756111 receiving 接收(的)
56756112 receiving antenna 接收天線
56756113 receiving array 接收天線列
56756114 receiving branch 接收支路
56756115 receiving circuit 接收電路
56756116 receiving coil 接收線圈
56756117 receiving condenser 接收電容器
56756118 receiving end crossfire 收端串訊
56756119 receiving equipment 接收設備
56756120 receiving margin 接收邊限
56756121 receiving perforator 接收鑿孔機
56756122 receiving range 接收範圍
56756123 receiving set 接收機,接收裝置
56756124 receiving station 收信台,接收台,接收電台,接收站
56756125 receiving substation 受電站,受電變電所
56756126 receiving system figure of merit 接收系統之優值
56756127 receiving tube 接收(真空)管,收信管
56756128 receiving-end system 接收端系統
56756129 reception of a telegraph 電報之接收
56756130 receptive substation 回收變電站
56756131 recessed lighting fitting 嵌入式燈[具]
56756132 rechargeable cell 可充電乾電池
56756133 rechargeable shaver 可再充電的剃鬚刀
56756134 reciprocal color temperature 倒色溫
56756135 reciprocal function 反函數
56756136 reciprocal theorem 互易定理
56756137 reciprocal two port network 互易雙埠網路;互易二埠網路
56756138 reciprocal two-port network 互易二埠網路
56756139 reciprocate condition 互易條件
56756140 reciprocating device 往復機構
56756141 reciprocating lights 擺動燈光
56756142 reciprocity 互易性
56756143 reciprocity law 互易定律
56756144 reciprocity theorem 互易定理
56756145 recirculating cooling water system 再循環冷卻水系統
56756146 recirculating system of fuel oil 再循環燃料油系統
56756147 recirculation flow control 再循環流量控制
56756148 reclaim time 收回時間
56756149 reclaiming 再生
56756150 reclosing fuse 重合熔絲,復閉熔斷器
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 22451 到第 22500 筆