
英文名稱 中文名稱
56757101 rolled steel single beam 軋鋼板單束
56757102 roller compacted concrete 碾壓混凝土
56757103 roller compacted concrete dam 碾壓混凝土壩
56757104 roller-chain gate 鏈輪閘門
56757105 rolling 滾動
56757106 rolling extractor 滾動抽取器
56757107 rolling gate 圓輥閘門
56757108 rolling stock 鐵道機車車輛
56757109 roof lifting and swinging system 屋頂升降和擺動系統;爐頂提升及旋開系統
56757110 roofing filter 修平濾波器
56757111 room acoustics 室內音響學
56757112 room coefficient 室形係數
56757113 room resonance 室內共振
56757114 root contour method 根跡法
56757115 root locus [方程]根軌跡
56757116 root mean square value 均方根值,實效值
56757117 root of blade (葉片)葉根
56757118 root segment 基段
56757119 root-locus method 根軌跡法
56757120 root-mean-square value; effective value 有效值
56757121 root-square-locus method 根方軌跡法
56757122 rope lay cable 繩包電纜
56757123 rope memory 磁心線記憶器
56757124 rope storage 磁心線儲存器
56757125 rotary antenna 旋轉天線
56757126 rotary brush 旋轉電刷
56757127 rotary condenser 旋轉電容器
56757128 rotary dial 旋轉撥號
56757129 rotary discharger 旋轉放電器
56757130 rotary field 旋轉場,旋轉磁場
56757131 rotary harrow heating element 旋轉耙加熱元件
56757132 rotary joint 旋轉接頭,旋轉關節,旋轉接合器
56757133 rotary magnet 旋轉電磁鐵,旋轉電磁體
56757134 rotary magnetic field 旋轉磁場
56757135 rotary mill classifier, rotating classifier 旋轉式分離器
56757136 rotary oil pump 轉動油質抽氣機,旋轉油泵
56757137 rotary pawl 旋轉掣爪
56757138 rotary spark gap 旋轉電花隙
56757139 rotary valve 旋轉閥
56757140 rotating beam 旋轉波注(束)
56757141 rotating damper 旋轉阻尼器
56757142 rotating diaphragm 旋轉式隔板
56757143 rotating disc 轉動圓盤
56757144 rotating inertia of hydrogenerator, flywheel effect 水輪發電機轉動慣量;飛輪效應
56757145 rotating magnetic field 旋轉磁場
56757146 rotating magneto-motive force 旋轉磁動勢
56757147 rotating plug 旋塞
56757148 rotating shield plug 旋轉遮罩塞
56757149 rotating shutter 旋轉光閥
56757150 rotating standard watt-hour meter 旋轉標準瓦時計
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 23451 到第 23500 筆