
英文名稱 中文名稱
56757501 secondary rack 低壓線架
56757502 secondary radar 次級雷達
56757503 secondary radiation 二次輻射
56757504 secondary reference 二級基準
56757505 secondary reference solar cell 次要基準太陽電池
56757506 secondary resistance 二次側電阻,次級線圈電阻
56757507 secondary service area 次要服務區
56757508 secondary source 二次電源
56757509 secondary structure 副結構
56757510 secondary switching center 次級交換中心
56757511 secrecy of telegram 電報保密
56757512 secret language 密語
56757513 section circuit-breaker 分段斷路器
56757514 section of an arrester 避雷器比例單元
56757515 section [of an overhead line] (架空線路的)線段
56757516 sectional area 截面積
56757517 sectional arrangement of main power building 主廠房斷面佈置
56757518 sectional center 段控中心
56757519 sectionalized 分段
56757520 sectionalized double-bus configuration 雙母線分段接線
56757521 sectionalized double-bus with transfer configuration 雙母線分段帶旁路接線
56757522 sectionalized line 分段線路
56757523 sectionalized single-bus configuration 單母線分段接線
56757524 sectionalized single-bus with transfer bus configuration 單母線分段帶旁路接線
56757525 sectionalized vertical antenna 分段垂直天線
56757526 sectionalizing circuit breaker 分段斷路器
56757527 sectioning 分段
56757528 sectioning point 分段點
56757529 sector display (off-center ppi) 扇形顯示
56757530 sector scan (b scan) 扇形掃描
56757531 sector sweep 扇形掃掠
56757532 sectoral horn 扇形喇叭
56757533 secular magnetic variation 長期磁變
56757534 secular term 長期項
56757535 security constrained dispatch 安全約束調度
56757536 security deposit 交易保證金
56757537 security of relay protection 繼電保護安全性
56757538 security supervisory control and data acquisition in distribution system 配電系統安全監控和資料收集
56757539 security [of an electric power system] (電力系統的)安全性
56757540 sediment model test 沉澱物模型試驗
56757541 sediment runoff 輸沙量
56757542 see-saw amplifier 浮動對相放大器
56757543 seepage of dam foundation 壩基滲漏
56757544 seepage plugging 堵漏
56757545 seepage prevention 防滲
56757546 seepage prevention of cofferdam 圍堰防滲
56757547 seepage prevention of dam foundation 壩基防滲
56757548 seepage prevention of sluice foundation 閘基防滲
56757549 seepage proof curtain 防滲帷幕
56757550 seismic design of nuclear power plant 核能電廠抗震設計
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 23851 到第 23900 筆