
英文名稱 中文名稱
56759051 stationary-plate type regenerative air preheater 固定板式再生空氣預熱器
56759052 statistical design 統計設計
56759053 statistical ensemble 統計整體
56759054 statistical equilbrium 統計平衡
56759055 statistical expectation 統計期望
56759056 statistical lightning impulse withstand voltage 統計的雷電衝擊耐受電壓
56759057 statistical lightning overvoltage 統計的雷擊過電壓
56759058 statistical mechanics 統計力學
56759059 statistical procedure of insulation coordination 絕緣協調統計程序
56759060 statistical switching impulse withstand voltage 統計的開關衝擊耐受電壓
56759061 statistical switching overvoltage 統計的開關過電壓
56759062 statistical weights 統計權衡
56759063 stator ampere turn 定子安匝
56759064 stator blade carrier ring 靜葉環套
56759065 stator blade ring 靜葉環
56759066 stator coil bar 定子線棒
56759067 stator cooling water conductivity cell 定子冷卻水電導率計
56759068 stator core 定子鐵心
56759069 stator core and frame vibration 定子鐵心及機座振動
56759070 stator core fault detection, ELCD 定子鐵心故障探測
56759071 stator core loss and temperature rise test 定子鐵心損失及溫度上升試驗
56759072 stator core/frame vibration monitor 定子鐵心機座振動監測器
56759073 stator current 定子電流
56759074 stator end winding vibration monitor 定子繞組端部振動監測器
56759075 stator ground fault protection 定子接地保護
56759076 stator impedance 定子阻抗
56759077 stator of condenser 電容器定片
56759078 stator over-current for a short time 定子短時過電流
56759079 stator slot [partial discharge] coupler 定子槽部份放電監測器
56759080 stator winding 定子繞組
56759081 stator winding insulation failure 定子繞組絕緣故障
56759082 stator [winding] resistance 定子(繞組)電阻
56759083 status monitoring of process equipment 處理設備狀態監視
56759084 status register 狀態暫存器
56759085 stay block 拉樁
56759086 stay insulator 拉線絕緣器
56759087 stay neutron 盤桓中子
56759088 stay tightener 拉線緊線器
56759089 stay-pole 撐桿
56759090 steady load 穩定負載
56759091 steady state availability 穩態可用度
56759092 steady state characteristics of load 靜態負載特性
56759093 steady state component 穩態分量;穩態成分
56759094 steady state instability of a power system 電力系統靜態不穩定性
56759095 steady state of a power system 電力系統穩態
56759096 steady state performance 定態性能
56759097 steady state short-circuit current 穩態短路電流
56759098 steady state stability of a power system 電力系統定態穩定度
56759099 steady state stability of synchronous generator 同步發電機定態穩定度
56759100 steady state unavailability 穩態不可用度
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 25401 到第 25450 筆