
英文名稱 中文名稱
56760401 threshold of hearing 可聽臨限
56760402 threshold of let-go current 擺脫電流
56760403 threshold of luminescence 發光臨限
56760404 threshold of perception current 感知電流閥值
56760405 threshold pumping 臨限激升
56760406 threshold value 臨限值
56760407 threshold visibility 臨限可見度
56760408 threshould frequency 臨限頻率
56760409 throttled surge chamber 阻抗式調壓室
56760410 throttling 節流
56760411 throttling control 節流控制
56760412 through call 轉話
56760413 through flow valve 雙平板蝶閥
56760414 through group 過路群,直通群
56760415 through group filter 直通群濾波器
56760416 through switchboard 經接交換檯
56760417 through traffic 經接業務
56760418 throw of switch 轉轍器動程
56760419 throw rod 動作桿
56760420 thrust bearing 推力軸承
56760421 thrust coefficient 推力係數
56760422 thump 電報雜訊
56760423 thyrator 閘流器
56760424 thyratron 閘流管
56760425 thyratron sweep circuit 閘流管拂掠電路
56760426 thyratron transistor 閘流管電晶體
56760427 thyristor 閘流體
56760428 thyristor controlled reactor 閘流體控制電抗器
56760429 thyristor controlled series compensator 閘流體可控串聯補償器
56760430 ticket distributor 分票器
56760431 tidal power generation 潮汐發電
56760432 tide sluice 擋潮閘
56760433 tie air break switch 聯絡空斷開關
56760434 tie circuit breaker 聯絡斷路器
56760435 tie line 聯絡線
56760436 tie transformer 聯絡變壓器
56760437 tie trunk 聯絡中繼線
56760438 tight lattice; dense lattice 稠密柵格
56760439 tightness inspection of vacuum system 真空系統嚴密性檢查
56760440 tilt of wave front 波前傾斜,波面傾斜
56760441 tilt sag 傾斜,下陷
56760442 tilting burner 擺動式燃燒器
56760443 timber crib cofferdam 木籠圍堰
56760444 timbre 音品,音色
56760445 time alarm 時限警號
56760446 time assignment speech interpolation (推插)電纜通話系
56760447 time availability 時間可用度
56760448 time base (or sweep circuit) 時基(或拂掠電路)
56760449 time base generator (or sweep generator) 時基發生器(或拂掠發生器)
56760450 time component 時間元件
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 26751 到第 26800 筆