
英文名稱 中文名稱
56760801 trap energy level 陷阱能階
56760802 trap former 陷阱形成器
56760803 trap theory 陷阱理論
56760804 trapezoid voltage generator 梯形電壓產生器
56760805 trapezoid wave 梯形波
56760806 trapezoided system 梯形波系統
56760807 trash boom 攔汙埂
56760808 trash rack 攔汙柵
56760809 trash-removal machine 清汙機
56760810 travel wave (進)行波
56760811 travel [of contacts] (觸頭的)行程
56760812 traveling wave protection 進行波保護
56760813 travelling plane wave 進行平面波
56760814 treadle 軌道接觸器
56760815 treatment of acid and alkaline waste water 酸鹼廢水處理
56760816 treatment of crack in rotor 轉子裂紋處理
56760817 treatment of rock foundation 岩基處理
56760818 treatment of sanitary sewage 生活汙水處理
56760819 treatment of solution cavern; karst treatment 岩溶處理
56760820 tree branch 樹分支
56760821 tree scheme (radial system) 樹枝制
56760822 tri-sector air heater 三分倉空氣加熱器
56760823 trial full load operation 滿載試運轉
56760824 trial load operation 負載運轉試驗
56760825 trial no-load operation 空載運轉試驗
56760826 trial production 試生產
56760827 trial starting of hydrogenerator set 水輪發電機組試運轉
56760828 triangle inequality 三角不等式
56760829 triangular configuration 三角形配置
56760830 tribed 三層床
56760831 tributary office 附設局
56760832 trichromatic coefficient (color triangle) 三(原)色係數
56760833 trichromatic system 三色制
56760834 trickling charge 涓流充電
56760835 trifluid cycle 三液體循環
56760836 trigger circuit 觸發電路
56760837 trigger pulse 觸發脈波
56760838 triggering failure 觸發失敗
56760839 triggering signal 觸發信號
56760840 trigonometric function 三角函數
56760841 trimmer capacitor 微調電容器
56760842 trimmer condenser 修整電容器
56760843 triode 三極管
56760844 triode clamping 三極管定位
56760845 trip coil 跳脫線圈
56760846 trip finger 跳脫指
56760847 trip free 自由跳脫
56760848 trip free mechanism 自由跳脫機構
56760849 trip free relay 自由跳脫電驛(器)
56760850 trip harmonic 三階諧波
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 27151 到第 27200 筆