
英文名稱 中文名稱
56761951 way station 路站
56761952 wayside repeating signal 沿線中繼號誌(機)
56761953 weak signal 弱信號
56761954 weak structural plane of rock mass 岩體軟弱結構面
56761955 wear of brush 電刷磨損
56761956 wear of metal 金屬磨損
56761957 wear resistance 抗磨損力
56761958 wearing of stator end winding insulation 定子端部繞組絕緣磨損
56761959 wearing plate; facing plate 抗磨板
56761960 weather wire 風雨線
56761961 weather-proof cable 耐風雨電纜,耐氣候電纜
56761962 weather-proof wire 耐風雨線,耐氣候線
56761963 weathering of glass 玻璃(之)風化(作用)
56761964 weathering of rock mass 岩體風化
56761965 Weber-Fechner law 韋伯費煦納定律
56761966 Weber`s theory of magnetism 韋伯磁說
56761967 weekly load curve 周負載曲線
56761968 weekly regulation 周調節
56761969 Wehnelt cylinder 未乃耳特圓柱
56761970 Weibull distribution 韋布林分佈
56761971 Weierstrass-Erdmann function 維爾斯特拉斯-埃德曼函數
56761972 weigh bridge 軌道衡
56761973 weight of coset 共集量
56761974 weight span 垂直檔距;重力檔距
56761975 weight vector 權(衡)向量
56761976 weighted average cost of capital 加權平均資本成本
56761977 weighted noise 加權雜訊
56761978 weighted sound pressure level; sound level 加權音壓位準;聲音位準
56761979 weighting characteristic 加權特性
56761980 weighting foundation 重力式基礎
56761981 welded diaphragm 焊接式隔板
56761982 welded disc rotor 焊接盤式轉子
56761983 welding 熔接
56761984 welding crack 焊接裂紋
56761985 welding defect 焊接缺陷
56761986 welding joint 焊接接頭
56761987 welding machine 熔接機
56761988 welding material 焊接材料
56761989 welding metal 熔接金屬
56761990 welding procedure 熔接程序
56761991 welding residual stress 焊接殘餘應力
56761992 welding rod 熔接條
56761993 Wellman-Lord FGD 亞鈉法煙氣脫硫
56761994 Wentzel`s theory 文策耳理論
56761995 Weston cell 衛斯吞電池
56761996 wet arc 濕弧
56761997 wet arc over 濕飛弧
56761998 wet arc over voltage 濕飛弧電壓
56761999 wet bulb temperature 濕球溫度
56762000 wet cell 濕電池
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 28301 到第 28350 筆