
英文名稱 中文名稱
62225432 Sayonara Jordan & Seale,1906(=Plectranthias) 櫻花鱸屬;花橙鮨屬
62225433 Sayonara satsumae Jordan & Seale,1906 櫻花鱸;花橙鮨
62225434 Scaevius milii (Bory de Saint-Vincent,1823) 綠帶裸顳鯛
62225435 Scaevius Whitley,1947 裸顳鯛屬
62225436 Scalanago lateralis Whitley,1935 小頭梯鰻
62225437 Scalanago Whitley,1935 梯鰻屬
62225438 scale
62225439 scale anlage 鱗脊
62225440 scale armor 盔甲鱗
62225441 scale armor associated cells 盔甲鱗組合細胞
62225442 scale base 鱗基
62225443 scale center 鱗中心
62225444 scale covering 鱗蓋
62225445 scale fields 鱗區
62225446 scale garment 鱗外套
62225447 scale garment groove 鱗外套溝
62225448 scale garment lamellae 鱗外套瓣
62225449 scale layer-less skin 無外套鱗皮膚
62225450 scale layers 鱗層
62225451 scale papilla 鱗突
62225452 scale peripheral associated cells 鱗週組合細胞
62225453 scale peripheral canals 鱗週管
62225454 scale pocket 鱗袋
62225455 scale radial canal 鱗輻射管
62225456 scale radius 鱗徑
62225457 scale radius cells 鱗輻細胞
62225458 scales of Acanthodii 棘魚鱗
62225459 scales of Acipenseriformes 鱘目鱗
62225460 scales of Aspidorhynchiformes 針吻魚目鱗
62225461 scales of Cheirolepis 手鱗魚
62225462 scales of Cladoselachii 裂口鯊鱗
62225463 scales of Dipnoi 肺魚鱗
62225464 scales of Drepanaspida 鐮甲魚鱗
62225465 scales of Elasmobranchii 板鰓類鱗
62225466 scales of Euselachii 真橫口類鱗
62225467 scales of Lepidotus 皮齒魚鱗
62225468 scales of Lepisosteus 雀鱔鱗
62225469 scales of Osteichthyes 硬骨魚鱗
62225470 scales of Osteolepis 骨鱗魚鱗
62225471 scales of Palaeoniscus 古雪鱗
62225472 scales of Porolepis 孔鱗類鱗
62225473 scales of Pycnodontiformes 厚柄魚目鱗
62225474 scales of Rhipidistia 扇鰭魚鱗
62225475 scales of Thelodontia 盾鱗目魚鱗
62225476 scales of Thelodus 花鱗魚鱗
62225477 Scapanorhynchidae(=Mitsukurinidae);英:goblin sharks 劍吻鯊科
62225478 Scapanorhynchinae;英:goblin sharks 劍吻鯊亞科
62225479 Scapanorhynchus owstoni (Jordan,1898)(=Mitsukurina owstoni);英:goblin shark 劍吻鯊
62225480 Scapanorhynchus Woodward,1889(=Mitsukurinidae);英:goblin sharks 劍吻鯊屬
62225481 Scaphiodonichthys acanthopterus (Fowler,1934) 刺鰭鏟齒魚
總共 29730 筆,顯示第 24451 到第 24500 筆