
英文名稱 中文名稱
62230032 vena segmentalis ventr. 腹體節靜脈
62230033 vena subclavia 鎖骨靜脈
62230034 vena subintestinalis 腸下靜脈
62230035 vena subscapula 肩胛骨下靜脈
62230036 vena vesicalis 內臟靜脈
62230037 vena vitellina 卵黃靜脈
62230038 Venefica Jordan & Davis,1891 巫鰻屬
62230039 Venefica proboscidea (Vaillant,1888) 黑吻巫鰻
62230040 Venefica tentaculata Garman,1899 巫鰻
62230041 venous blood 靜脈血
62230042 venous blood sinus 靜脈血竇
62230043 venous capillaries of kidney 腎微靜脈
62230044 venous sinus 靜脈竇
62230045 venous sinusoids 竇狀隙
62230046 venous system 靜脈系統
62230047 venous valves 靜脈瓣
62230048 vent 肛門
62230049 ventral aorta 腹大動脈
62230050 ventral arches 腹弧
62230051 ventral column of spinal cord 脊索腹柱
62230052 ventral commissure 腹連合
62230053 ventral fasciculus 腹束
62230054 ventral fin 腹鰭
62230055 ventral fissure of eye bulbe 眼球腹裂
62230056 ventral fissure of spinal cord 脊索腹裂
62230057 ventral horn 腹角
62230058 ventral lobe 腹葉
62230059 ventral median lymph vessel 腹中淋巴管
62230060 ventral mesentery 腹腸繫膜
62230061 ventral processes 腹突
62230062 ventral rib 腹肋骨
62230063 ventral ridge 腹脊
62230064 ventral root 腹根
62230065 ventral root of Branchiostoma 鰓口腹根
62230066 ventral root of spinal nerves 脊椎神經腹根
62230067 ventral spinal muscle bones 腹脊椎骨肌
62230068 ventral trunk muscle 腹軀幹肌
62230069 ventriculus communis 共心室
62230070 ventriculus cordis 心室
62230071 ventriculus mesencephalicus 中腦室
62230072 ventriculus primus 第一腦室
62230073 ventriculus quartus 第四腦室
62230074 ventriculus secundus 第二腦室
62230075 ventriculus tertius 第三腦室
62230076 Ventrifossa africana Iwamoto,1970 非洲腹溝鼠尾鱈;非洲凹腹鱈
62230077 Ventrifossa atherodon (Gilbert & Cramer,1897) 箭齒腹溝鼠尾鱈;箭齒凹腹鱈
62230078 Ventrifossa ctenomelas (Gilbert & Cramer,1897) 夏威夷腹溝鼠尾鱈;夏威夷凹腹鱈
62230079 Ventrifossa divergens Gilbert & Hubbs,1920 岐異腹溝鼠尾鱈;岐異凹腹鱈
62230080 Ventrifossa fasciata (Weber,1913) 橫紋腹溝鼠尾鱈;橫紋凹腹鱈
62230081 Ventrifossa fusca Okamura,1982 暗色腹溝鼠尾鱈;暗色凹腹鱈
總共 29730 筆,顯示第 29051 到第 29100 筆