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分類 宗教信仰
腔調 大埔
客家辭義 義民廟
客家音標 ngiˋ minˇ miauˋ
華語辭義 義民廟
英語辭義 Yi-min Temple, built to show respect to nearly 300 folk heroes who died during the two most famous civil wars in the Ching Dynasty: One was declared by Shaun-wen Lin in A.D. 1786 ; the other was declared by Chao-tsan Dai in A.D. 1861
客語例句 新埔義民廟有兩百零年?歷史,係北部客家人?信仰中心。
華語翻譯 新埔義民廟有兩百多年的歷史,是北部客家人的信仰中心。