
方法編號 中文名稱 英文名稱
59772211 CLA2202 Beryllium
59772212 CLA5051 聯苯 Biphenyl
59772213 CLA2310 溴和氯 Bromine and Chlorine
59772214 meth292 丁二烯 Butadiene
59772215 old1227 2-己酮 Butyl methyl ketone、Methyl N-butyl ketone、MBK、2-Hexanone、Methyl butyl ketone
59772216 CLA2302 Cadmium
59772217 CLA3004 鈣及其化合物 Calcium & its Compounds
59772218 CLA1104 二硫化碳 Carbon Disulfide
59772219 old2404 一氧化碳 Carbon monoxide
59772220 CLA1105 四氯化碳 Carbon tetrachloride
59772221 old2330 Chlorine
59772222 old1223 氯苯 Chlorobenzene
59772223 old2322 氯甲基甲基醚 Chloromethyl methyl ether
59772224 old2312 鉻酸 Chromium,Hexavalent
59772225 old2313 煤焦油 (煤焦油瀝青揮發物) Coal tar pitch volatiles
59772226 CLA1006 異丙苯 Cumene、Isopropyl benzene
59772227 old2316 氰化物 Cyanides, aerosol and gas
59772228 old1225 環己酮 Cyclo hexanone
59772229 meth359 環己酮 Cyclo hexanone
59772230 old1224 環己烷 Cyclohexane
59772231 CLA5044 環己烯 Cyclohexene
59772232 RM009A 環己烯 Cyclohexene
59772233 RM011A 二丙酮醇 Diacetone alcohol
59772234 meth357 二氯乙烷 Dichloro ethane
59772235 meth362 二氯乙烷 Dichloro ethane
59772236 CLA1210 二氯甲烷 Dichloro methane、Methylene Chloride
59772237 old2106 二氯聯苯胺 Dichlorobenzidine、DCB、4,4'-Diamino-3,3'-dichlorobiphenyl、3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine、o,o'-Dichlorobenzidine、3,3'-Dichlorobiphenyl-4,4-diamine、4,4'-Diamino-3,3'-dichlorodiphenyl、3,3'-Dichloro-4,4'-biphenyldiamine、3,3'-Dichloro-4,4'-diaminobiphenyl
59772238 CLA1005 二氯乙醚 Dichloroethyl ether
59772239 CLA2329 二異氰酸化物 Diisocyanates
59772240 meth320 二甲基甲醯胺 Dimethyl formamide (DMF)
59772241 old2314 硫酸二甲酯 Dimethyl sulfate
59772242 old5030 二硝基甲苯 Dinitrotoluene
59772243 CLA5050 二丙二醇甲醚 Dipropylene glycol methyl ether (DPGE)
59772244 CLA1001 環氧氯丙烷 Epichlorohydrin
59772245 CLA1901 酯類(I) Esters(I)
59772246 CLA5016 乙醇胺 Ethanolamine
59772247 CLA1214 乙酸乙酯 Ethyl acetate
59772248 meth358 乙醇 Ethyl alcohol
59772249 meth386 乙醇 / 異丙醇 Ethyl alcohol / Isopropyl alcohol
59772250 CLA5039 乙苯 Ethyl benzene
59772251 old5032 乙基苯 Ethyl benzene
59772252 RM003A 乙苯 Ethyl benzene
59772253 CLA1206 乙醚 Ethyl ether
59772254 1009 甲酸乙酯 Ethyl formate
59772255 CLA5006 乙二醇 Ethyl glycol
59772256 CLA5017 乙硫醇 Ethyl Mercaptan
59772257 CLA5031 乙基胺 Ethylamine
59772258 RM019A 乙二胺 Ethylene diamine (Ethylenediamine)
59772259 CLA5008 二溴乙烷 Ethylene dibromide
59772260 meth328 乙二醇單丁醚 Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether
總共 211 筆,顯示第 51 到第 100 筆