column value
資料集名稱 歷年30-70歲非傳染病之死亡機率
檔案格式 CSV
資料集類型 rawData
資料集描述 資料來源:1. 衛生福利部統計處死因登記檔。 2. 內政部戶政司年底人口資料。 備註:1. 參照WHO Draft comprehensive global monitoring framework and targets for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases定義計算。 2. 年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。 3. 死因分類碼參考WHO The global burden of disease: 2004 update_Annex C。 Source:1. Death certificate data by Department of Statistics, Ministry of Health and Welfare. 2. Year-end population data by Department of Household registration, Ministry of the interior. Note:1. Calculation of unconditional probability of dying was based on the definition of WHO Draft comprehensive global monitoring framework and targets for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases. 2. Mid-year population was calculated by year-end population. 3. Classification of deaths according to WHO The global burden of disease: 2004 update_Annex C.
主要欄位說明 總計、性別
資料集提供機關 衛生福利部國民健康署
更新頻率 每年
授權方式 政府資料開放授權條款-第1版
計費方式 免費
編碼格式 UTF-8
資料集提供機關聯絡人 劉先生
資料集提供機關聯絡人電話 04-22172330