column value
tf_hs_e_reason 本案貨品為以PVC塑膠原料經加工製成之供配線用絕緣保護槽,宜歸列商品分類號列第3916.20.00.00-3號。
TF_STANDARD_HS 39162000003
tno 39162000
sc 00
cd 3
TF_ENGLISH_COMMODITY A型線槽外殼(Cabinet for A Type Linear Tray) 型號:無
TF_FACTOR_MATERIAL 工程塑膠99.01% 鐵0.99%
TF_FUNCTION 濕蝕刻、顯影流程中所使用的配件外殼
TF_ISSUE_DATE 20010823
cnote 橫切面直徑超過1公厘(㎜)之氯乙烯聚合物製單絲、棒、杖及定型,除表面外未經其他加工者
enote Monofilament of which any cross-Sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm, rods, sticks and profile shapes, whether or not surface-worked but not otherwise worked, of polymers of vinyl chloride