column value
tf_hs_e_reason 本案貨品依檢附之資料,係一般通用性陶瓷片,無法識別專屬工業用之特徵者,依HS註解對稅則第6907節之詮釋,歸列貨品分類號列6907.10.00.00-0。
TF_STANDARD_HS 69071000000
tno 69071000
sc 00
cd 0
TF_ENGLISH_COMMODITY 未上釉耐磨陶瓷片(表面凸點) 規格:長10mm~24mm、寬10mm~24mm、高3mm~10mm
TF_FACTOR_MATERIAL 氧化鋁93.14%、二氧化矽4.95%
TF_FUNCTION 耐磨陶瓷片加硫後貼附於輸送機之卸料槽或驅動滾輪等,可增加零件表面之耐磨效果,延長被貼附物之使用壽命,大幅降低維修費用。
TF_ISSUE_DATE 20060622
cnote 無釉陶瓷瓦、立方磚塊及類似品,不論是否為長方形,其最大表面可被為各邊長小於7公分之正方形所包圍,不論有無褙裡者
enote Similar articles of the unglazed ceramic tiles and cubes, whether or not rectangular, the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is less than 7 cm, whether or not on a backing